I downloaded the Auto Pricer but it doesn't work. I can't open it. I noticed others had the same problem, but no one answered their posts in the program comments. I also tried pm-ing the author, and still no answer.. That's why I'm posting here n_n
I use that autopricer almost every day...are you sure you have the required files and things?? Works fine for me.
Yeah, I have the files . When I open it I get this message: Auto Pricer has found a mistake and is ended. We're sorry for the inconvience. (translated from danish, maybe not the exact message in engish xD) and I noticed that some others wrote that they had the same mistake on the download comments. EDIT: I reinstalled MSWINSCK.OCX (just search for it on google) and it worked ! how weird n_n thank you ! NEW PROBLEM THOUGH. It prices all my items 0 np ?
I think if it prices them 0 nps that means they're unbuyable, although I could be wrong. What settings do you have?? I usually lose lowest or 5% less than.
I restarted it like 4 times, still had the problem. Then I waited 20 min or so, and started it again and it worked :3 I don't know what happened. - I think it might be when my account logs off automaticly (it does that sometimes) it affects the auto pricer or can I be shop wiz banned?