Please I really need a autobuyer, don't post some crap that doesn't work I want a real autobuyer that actually works.
You need points to get any program on the site please read this: After reading that, you'll know that you can't get an autobuyer just like that, stay active, post helpful stuff on the site then you'll be able to have enough points for programs. Don't you think the more appropiate way of starting your time here is to at least introduce yourself in the introduce yourself forum?
it it took me along time to read but it was quite useful so and people could just post alot of messages in sted
After being here a few days, and buying some of the stuff from the store, i have been convinced that this isn't just some scam. There really is alot of helpful stuff here, for people who cheat and people who don't.
ya i can see that its not a scam, so im saving up for the phsyco main store one, but how does it work?like once i buy it and download it then wut?like yesterday i downloaded the list but my computer wouldnt open it, and i really dont want that to happen for the aber.