Avatar Abbreviations

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by Freja, Sep 29, 2008.

  1. Freja

    Freja Level IV

    Sep 20, 2008
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    Ever wondered what people talk about when they say ZDAP , MSPP etc. in the avatar boards on neopets? Well here is a list n_n

    NOTE:: I DID NOT MAKE THIS. IT IS FROM http://avatar.starried.net/ .

    Abbreviation Meaning
    AA Advert Attack
    AA Alien Aisha
    Adam Avatar Number Six avatar
    AotS Attack of the Slorgs
    BCJ Blumaroo Court Jester
    BFM Battle for Meridell
    BGC Bony Grarrl Club
    BTY Better Than You
    CB Chia Bomber
    Catfb Chomby and the Fungus Balls
    CoET Castle of Eliv Thade
    CoM avatars Curse of Maraqua avatars
    DD Dubloon Disaster
    DD Deadly Dice
    DF Darkest Faerie
    DOM II Destruct-o-Match II
    DoN Defenders of Neopia
    EFMC Escape from Meridell Castle
    EH Extreme Herder
    EPC Extreme Potato Counter
    FB Fire Blumaroo
    FB Faerie Bubbles
    FF Freaky Factory
    FF Feed Florg
    FFQ Fountain Faerie Quest
    FQD Faerie Queen Doll
    GCB Gourmet Club Bowls
    GTU Grand Theft Ummagine
    HatPC Hannah and the Pirate Caves
    I-# Illusen's Quest #
    ICM Ice Cream Machine
    IOM Invasion of Meridell
    IQ Island Quiggle
    IS Icy Snowflake
    ITTPD I Taunt the Pant Devil
    Icy Icy Snowflake
    J-# Jhudora's Quest #
    JPP Jelly Processing Plant
    LC Lenny Conundrum
    LDP Lost Desert Plot
    LoD Lever of Doom
    MBV Mynci Beach Volleyball
    MGoD Mutant Graveyard of Doom
    MJB Meepit Juice Break
    MPS Mystery Palm Shield
    MR Mummy Ruki
    MSPP Malevolent Sentient Poogle Plushie
    MvF Meepit Vs. Feepit
    NQI Neoquest 1 (Wise and Powerful)
    NQII Neoquest 2 (Bionic Cybunny, Devilpuss, Weakling)
    NTS Neopian Times Star
    NTW Neopian Times Writer
    OG Orange Grundo
    PPR Petpet Rescue
    PT Plushie Tycoon
    Quad Quadrapus
    RC Random Contest
    RoM Raiders of Maraqua
    SDB Safety Deposit Box
    SS Sewage Surfer
    SV Snowy Valley (Stamp Page)
    SuAP Super Attack Pea
    TT Typing Terror
    UB Ultimate Bullseye
    WOE Wheel of Excitment
    WOM Wheel of Monotony
    WOM Wheel of Mediocrity
    WOM Wheel of Misfortune
    WaK Whack a Kass
    WaSM Whack a Staff Member
    WoK Wheel of Knowledge
    YBIC Yes Boy Ice Cream
    ZDAP Zafara Double Agent Plushie
  2. marklyn72

    marklyn72 Level I

    Sep 27, 2008
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    yeah when ever i am on the boards and someone post the abbreviation i am wondering what it is...thanks for the abbr. but there is one that i saw on the boards the other day that is not up there...SAPP...or maybe they mispelled SuAP...that is the only one that actually comes close to it...oh well now i can see what they are talking about...thanks again:)
  3. Freja

    Freja Level IV

    Sep 20, 2008
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    I would say SAPP is the mispelled SuAP XD I've never heard of a SAPP .. And you're welcome :3