Avoid Getting Scam

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by pandahorde, Apr 6, 2007.

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  1. pandahorde

    pandahorde Level IV

    Dec 17, 2006
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    Fake Log-in Screens

    The key to avoiding this scam is to never type in your Neopets password anywhere unless is says "http://www.neopets.com" some where in the address bar. The most common way for someone to trick you is to put a fake item in their shop (Such as Faerie P/B or something of equal value) and "price" it as 1 NP. People, the fact is that no one is ever going to sell any P/B at 1 NP. If you ever think you have been mysteriously logged out of Neopets, make sure you really are on Neopets!

    A Good Password
    The best thing you can do to avoid being hacked is to have a good password. Your password should not have anything to do with your username! For example, if your username is 'dbz_lover', (And I'm sure there is one) your password should not be 'goku'! I recomend using the maximum of 20 charactors provided, use lower case and capital letters, and numbers. No one will ever be able to hack this. There are over one billion different combinations of this!

    This is another very common scam. There are actually two versions of it. In the first, the scammer will ask you if you need a NeoSitter so someone can take care of your pets while you are away. If you tell them you aren't going anywhere, (Like on vacation) they will say they will take care of them while you are offline. Some even say they will play games and earn NP for you. To do this, they obviously need your password. Once you give it to them it's all over. They are not going to take care of your pets. They are going to take every NP and item you have. Do not fall for this!
    There is another version of NeoSitting when the scammer says that they need a NeoSitter. After a helpful Neopian Or possibly another scammer Neomails them, they will claim that they need your password just incase you are a scammer. Watch out for this one!

    Neopoint Generators
    Have you ever been on the Message Boards and seen 'Wow, I just made a million NP in 5 minutes!'. I'm sure you have, and hopefully you didn't even click on it. This is the most common scam in Neopia today. They claim that if you type in your username and password that you will recive millions of NP in minutes. Some scammers even go as far as to say that they are related to Adam or Donna. (The creators of Neopets) There are obviously no such thing as NP generators and there never will be.

    Starberries are beautiful items. However, they have no magical powers, especially changing your pet Starry. That's what many scammers will tell you. In fact, that's what inspired me to write this guide. I was at the Trading Post one day and I saw three different people in one 'Newest 20' batch telling people that Starberries turn your pet Starry. It made me sick! I immediatly started writing this guide. The point is that Starberries are nothing more than food! I hope Neopets doesn't take them away like they did to the Magical Fish when the 'Magical Fish lays Fish Neggs' scam got too out of hand.

    Thx For Reading :)!!
    Guides From: http://www.scottsboropower.com/~lott/as.html
  2. FastBullet

    FastBullet Level IV

    Feb 7, 2007
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    Hmmm didn't knew that Starberries scam but i check every item at neoitems.net :)
  3. blackoutzx

    blackoutzx Level II

    Mar 9, 2007
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    Good guide, never have I been scammed yet
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