Hi im looking for a cheap but good 1playr battledome set is this plan good? 2x Prickly Potion 2x Kelpbeards Trident Snowglobe Staff Greater Healing Scroll Ghostkerbomb
Those are far from being cheap... Kelpbeards Trident is 7-9 mill Prickly Potion not worth the price - you can get better def icons (not the same type but better) The only thing I agree with you in this set is : Ghostkerbomb It's currently the strongest bomb available to neopians. Nothing can compare to its attack, and it only costs around 7.3 million. As for the other stuff : Snowglobe Staff - too weak to be included in any set (maybe a newbie one) Greater Healing Scroll - good but heals pre-damage and may be not as useful as Scorchstones.
you have to notice that its 1p set. so if the snwoglobe doesnt freeze, you can try again! well the set is not cheap but i think its the best you can get for 20-30mil in 1player? other ideas? (i was considering SoS and yblaster but the new trident is cheaper +better)
This is what I usually keep for 1p battle F-Pot: 8.5 G-Bomb: 7.3 G-Shield: 7.8 H-Potion: 1 The best SS I can afford + your 2 favorite multiple attack weapon. Usually, I take SoS and Yblaster.
but the trident is better than SoS? so i could change the sos and the blaster to 2tridents? which healing do you use tharoux?
Trident is better for the price, but SoS does on average, more damage. For 1p trident should be fine. Have you thought about downsize! ? It's pretty underrated, and has saved me a few times. In terms of healing, a greater healing scroll should be fine. If you can find someone who is lending (perhaps if you're part of a bd guild) try to get K-floured so you can get a kacheek life potion. And what are your stats? If they aren't great, then prickly potions are a good way to beat some tough 1p opponents. If your defence is decent, then shields are good. As mentioned before, g-shield and ftab are pretty standard in the price range, and good too. Don't forget sink+burrow, but it sounds like you probably have them.
so i would say 2x Trident 2x Ppot Gshield Gbomb D! snowglob +healer? im not sure if i really need a shield for 1p. i just want to end the fight as fast as possible... im planning on havin good stats, at the moment they are allright
ok ty i will think about it there is a general question: - how useful are shields in 1p? -how useful are 100% healer in 1p? if you have 2 strong attackers+2ppots +bomb. you can downsize, burrow and stuff. and after you used your defensive skills like burrow the enemy is probably dead, right?
Haha, this doesn't seem cheap at all. I'm still working towards my first million. Do you guys have any suggestions for cheaper builds? Or should one stay out of the BD, until you have a base level of neopoints?
You can build an "ok" set for less than 500K Look at this page http://www.neopets.com/~SSAMSSAM_2004 Leaf shield is a must, downside! too... Scarab ring is probably the best weapon for it's price.
can you say something about that? ^^ oh and i can add - why should you use an expensive freezer if you could buy a cheap one and leave everytime the freezer doesnt work?
Allot about your 1p set depends on your stats but here's what I recommend: If your HP is around or below 150: Everlasting Crystal Apple K-Trident G-Bomb PPot Y-Blaster Downsize! H4K 8th Slot Just rotate in cheap shields/reflectors for w/e opponent you face(L-Shield, SMH, PMH, Flame gloves) You'll also want to keep an extra PPot once you start getting up there in wins and a PPot will do more than the Y-Blaster then just replace it Your basic strategy would be: Freeze+ECA+Defend or Drain Life if their HP is high enough (If you use drain life and it heals enough just use Freezer and KBT) Bomb+KBT+Fierce Trident+PPot+Burrow/Sink (Depending on the opponent) ECA+Trident+Defend til their dead If you need to heal at any time ECA+Shield+Defend Doing that with my League 5 pets I do really well. If your HP is more than 150 or you don't want to use ECA: Healer (Species or Scorchtones are the best for 1p) KBT G-Bomb H4K Y-Blaster PPot Downsize! 8th slot rotate shields for opponents Basic strategy would be: Freeze+KBT+Burrow/Sink OR Freeze+Shield+Defend OR Freeze+KBT+Drainlife G-Bomb+KBT+Fierce KBT+YB(PPot if it does more)+Burrow/Sink Then basically KBT+Shield+Defend/Fierce til its dead When you need to heal Downsize!/Shield+Healer+Defend Only ever uses a set like this one one account. MOst of the time I don't battle til I hit 40m or so but that's just me -How useful shields are is situational depending on who your batting and how many wins you've accumulated to see the boost/hp difference. Depending on your stats and strategy the first 100-200 wins should be relatively simple depending on who you're fighting it's when they start hitting hard that shields can come in handy while you either heal or block but there gets to a point where shields won't help at all depending on the opponent. -100% healer in any battling is useful you just need to be smart about when you use it. -Having a 100% freezer really just saves you a butt load of time and there are some opponents that might require 2nd or even 3rd round freezing for you to beat.
good post ! thank you i think im gonna buy that set but it looks like you only have 1 attacker, right? oh last thing, do you people think its useful to invest so much money? the only thing i can get from battling is the DoN series, is there gonna be another use?
I edited with my strategies for 2 different sets just to give you a flip side. In each set there are 3 constants but most of the time I'm only using one attacker because once you get to a certain point in 1p battling with low league pets the opponent will do to much damage for you to use 2 attackers w/o or taking massive damage so it's not worth it to chance using to attackers when you can just wait 2 extra rounds for a guaranteed win. Investing in the dome is never a bad idea because prices usually stay constant depending on your weapons so if you ever get to the point of needing NPs you can always sell the items. There are really only 3 reasons for battling: 1. For fun (For me the battledome is one of the only reasons why I play neopets) 2. DoN 3. If there is ever a plot with war challengers 1p battling is kinda fun but it gets kinda monotonous doing the same thing over and over again and if you have the right set/pet/strategy it's pretty dang hard to lose I personally stick to 2p battling because there's so much that goes into it that it keeps me interested.
cool! what do you think of the Short Sleeved Yellow Tunic as healer? edit: how likely is the Greater Healing Scroll to break?
SSYT is a good healer if you don't mind meeting the requirements but greater healing scroll is better since it's cheaper it hardly ever breaks I had one on one of my other accounts and I put it through 500+ battles and it never broke
Get greater healing scroll as healer/ or even ultranova since it's a healer and bomb. Oh yes, for shields, just buy a MoC. Blocks and attacks. Don't forget with your firepower, you can use abilities such as quench, sink, burrow to block attacks. and just attack with constants