Well, what I'm really asking for was what was life like when you actually played neopets for FUN! Haha, I haven't done that in awhile.. Back then, I had 400k and it was my life. I use to spend days watching trades for an underpriced item, buy it, then resell for 20k or so profit. I was slowly building up my empire. Now, I made that in an hour or two.. I sell neopoints by the mils. (trying to do the whole gangsta rap showoff thing) But seriously! hahah I used to hate my pets getting sick cause I could never really afford to heal em.. And it meant i couldnt battle. Even though all my pet stats were normal (eg like 15hp haha). Though they were still good times.. You were an just another average joe playing neopets games for neopoints and actual fun! OH! and the wishing well.. I used to research really expensive items like the Attack Pea then stay for there an entire day throwing in 1np. SO LONG WERE THE TIMESS <3
Hmm, I started cheating not too long ago, and already had approximately 80 million. From restocking legitly, lol! Yeah, I invested a lot of time into the site. And I didn't care about my pets at all, tbh. LOL. Right now, I cheat because... I don't really have time to spare on Neopets anymore (or maybe I'm just not admitting that I'm lazy, HAH). But, I think, compared to a lot of people on here, I don't cheat as much; I still restock legitly. I don't AB as much as most of the AB'ers on here hehheh xD
Before cheating it was all about playing games, thats the only reason I started playing on the site to begin with. Then once I started getting 'a lot' of NPs, i started looking up ways to to make more while playing. Then i stumbled on this site years after and the rest is history ~parisdirt
It was great, and I was able to make ALOT more nps by playing legitly then now, when I cheat. I just don't really have time anymore to do things manualy, that's where cheating comes in. But to give you an idea, so far I've only made about 3m cheating, compared to the 100m I was able to make legitly.
I was a very, very poor neopian before I started cheating I played for YEARS saving my neopoints, never spending them. I didn't manage to earn more than a mil... and that included stealing the 300k my brother made playing games. Now I've made about 5-ish mil, from selling pets (all legit ones, I haven't AAed any yet)/accounts and slick clicks :yup: I love cheating!
I'm going to have to start cheating lol, Making np legit isn't working for me anymore on my slow connection. I'm at 200K i think and stuck.
I loved it when I use to make deals with friends in my class about neopets... and we use to battle each other because our classroom had 2 computers XD Our pets were so weak, but we thought we were awesome I was the first to save for my lab map back when it was a few hundred NP... I constantly have to remind myself that there is still some charm left in neo, you just have to look.
I used to come on just to play Meepit Juice Break and Faerie Bubbles religiously; now I can get trophy worthy high scores in both games. =P NP making was so slow, though, I remember admiring the people with Baby pets so, so, much... Now, though, the extent of my cheating is a little SSing for the avatar games I can't get legitly, and Iglooing once in a while for pocket money. Neopets before I started cheating and now is still the same as far as the main focus of my...what, Neo-life? is - avatar collecting. I don’t even know why they appeal to me so much, I've just always been an ACer. My current main (3rd time legitly rebuilding) is now up to 248 avatars, not including all the ones I need to lend to myself when I hit 4 months; my original legit main I had before cheating (and then getting iced) had 256. So at this point I think I'm just going to stick with the whole occasional SSing for stuff like DD, GMC, Altador Cup, etc., and Igloo. Neopets is a hobby for relaxation.
About 7 years ago? It took me the whole summer doing basically everything to save up 800k for a lab map. But then again, I was just introduced to the game that summer. I don't really cheat, as the only thing that works on my mac is GreaseMonkey, and there's nothing great that I know of (PM me if you know otherwise on a mac os x 10.5.6). I just come on for the dailies 3-6/7 days a week, and play rs the rest of the time. However, I bought a lab map set (PayPal) for my little sibling for Christmas. It was the best present she thought she got. Made my day=)
not much has changed for me since I've started cheating. I started ABing originally to get a royal pb because I had no idea how I was ever going to get that much money otherwise. Now I do it to rebuild my battle set as well as repaint all of my pets. I always found myself incredibly attached to my pets, and I loved the games, and the battling. I've also been incredibly proud of myself whenever I got a new trophy I'm also a very huge fan of yooyuball and the plots. they can't be coming up soon enough it is nice to make in a week what it took me 3 years to make before, but I haven't lost any of my love for the site itself
I think overall, cheating is just a big time saver I got really lazy restocking (I use to get maybe 250K every two days restocking since there's a restocking ban) I could easily get the same amount in a matter of an hour or so with abing and not even having to lift a finger
Haha. I'm still mostly legit. I've made 5 million legit in a month. And that's by playing games and not spending plus legit restocking. I used to have 'a lot' as in, 300k was considered rich in 2004 xD
I thought to myself "I've played by the rules for like 8 years, it's time to try out some cheating methods" lol. I used to play games when I first started, that was always my main income because I could never RS. Years later I tried auction sniping and could maybe get 100k a day if I really tried my best. But auction sniping is actually really slow now and doesn't rake it in like it used to
Before I started AB'ing (which is just recently - like within a month) it had taken me a little over a year to manage to scrounge together about 2.5 mil. The only reason I was able to get that high - legitly - was because I had won a PB from the Fruit Machine. Had it not been for that event I believe I would still be struggling to get to the 1 mil mark. Now, in my one month of AB'ing I have amassed a small fortune without any effort at all! I don't SS or use a spiderer, but maybe someday I will try it :lol: