Beginner BD Set Guide

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by GrapeFruit, Dec 14, 2006.

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  1. GrapeFruit

    GrapeFruit Level IV

    Dec 12, 2006
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    The Beach
    Ok so I looked through the guides and I didn't see a guide about
    specific weapons for any particular price range or how/when to upgrade
    so here's mine.(IF there is one I'm sorry I will delete it)

    Newbie Set (20 boost and below)

    Ok the set is
    FF=Fighting Folder x2 6-8 (Constant with 2 HP healing per round) (each)
    BSS=Bronze scorchstone(15 HP healer)
    D!=Downsize!(50% blocker)
    LS=Leaf Shield(Strong Defense)
    S-Ring=Scarab Ring(Dual Duty)
    PMH=Patched Magic Hat(Strong Defense)
    IEP=Illusens earth potion(bomb)

    Total is 50k

    I usually try to find as much about my opponents set as possible so I know how to respond well. So here's how I fight
    1st rd-FF+PMH+Defend(You usually find what their attackers out this round)
    2nd rd-FF+Proper defensive weapon+defend(Reason I do this is to see if they have any other weapons)
    *3rd rd-if you're still good on HP-FF+Proper defensive weapon+fierce attack(Start to deal some damage while still keeping up a good defense
    **3rd rd-if you need to heal-BSS+shield+defend/burrow
    4th rd-IEP+D!+fierce
    5th rd+-FF+Proper defensive weapon+defend
    At any point after round 3 if healing is necessary is the healing technique

    You'll pretty much have this set until you start saving and you
    can get some upgrades. Your next upgrades won't come until you've saved a decent amount. As soon as you hit about 500k you should upgrade a few things in your set.

    It should look like this
    GoC=Golden Compass(Dual Duty attack+defense)
    StC=Stone Club(Attacker)
    SC=Scuzzys Comb(Attacker)
    GHS=Greater Healing Scroll(Healer 50HP)
    PMH=Patched Magic Hat(Defense)
    D!=Downsize!(50% Blocker)
    ESS=Earthen Scorchstone(Shield)
    Open Spot(I'd say look for something that does fire)

    At this level the most common weapons do light,darkness,air and earth so you want to prepare for those:
    1st round-GoC+PMH+Defend(do some damage while defending)
    2nd round-StC+Shield+Defend(Most people defend 2nd round with their shield so by seeing what they use to block you can attack a weakness)
    3rd round-GoC+PMH+Burrow(Most battlers bomb this round)
    4th round-attacker+shield+fierce
    *5th round if healing is needed-D!+GHS+Defend
    **5th round if healing is not needed-same as round 4
    Continue using attacker+shield+fierce for the rest of the fight switch up attacking weapons every so often though.

    As you can see most of your original set is still there because they
    are still very effective. This set will serve you well til about 55
    boost if you want your set to be good I'd suggest morphing to a Lupe
    and getting the Ancient Lupe wand because as a 35/55 booster you'll
    encounter a fair few people who freeze in battles and morphing is the cheapest way to get a freezer. Your next upgrades come at about 1mil.

    Once you hit 1mil it'll look like this:
    Golden Compass(Dual Duty attack+defense)
    Stone club(Attacker)
    Scuzzys Comb(Attacker)
    Greater Healing Scroll(Healer 50HP)
    Ancient Lupe Wand(Freezer)
    Patched Magic Hat(Defense)
    Downsize!(50% Blocker)
    Honey Potion(Bomb)

    It is basically the same as the previous set except for in round five or right after healing use shield+HP+fierce

    That set is fairly effective in the 55 boost level. Once you hit 85+ boost though you'll encounter some more experienced and needless to say richer opponents.

    Feedback is useful but please no flaming. If you like it up my rep. Thanks.

    Advanced Set Guide coming soon...
  2. chelsea1

    chelsea1 Level IV

    Nov 26, 2006
    Likes Received:
    what do you mean by "boost"?
    other than that it looks ok
    perhaps a lack of attacking weapons on the beginer set... but no too bad a guide
  3. GrapeFruit

    GrapeFruit Level IV

    Dec 12, 2006
    Likes Received:
    The Beach
    At certain intervals of training you get a certain boost heres the list.
    0 - 0.5
    8 - 0.75
    13 - 1.0
    20 - 1.25
    35 - 1.5
    55 - 2.0
    85 - 2.5
    125 - 3.0
    200 - 4.5
    250 - 5.5
    300 - 6.5
    350 - 7.5
    400 - 8.5
    450 - 9.75
    500 - 11.0
    550 - 12.0
    600 - 13.0
    650 - 14.0
    700 - 15.0

    Ok so the number on the left is the interval and the number on the right is the amount of damage you do per icon. So if you do 10 icons at 35 boost you would do 15 damage whereas a 55 boost would do 20 damage.
    The reason I don't add more attack weapons because I believe in the best offense is a good defense. If you can defend most/all of the icons against an opponent and yet still deal damage you're gonna win.
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    nice guide. +rep
  5. MarcelAjax

    MarcelAjax Level IV

    Nov 3, 2006
    Likes Received:
    The Netherlands
    is the 15.0 boost the max?
  6. d600

    d600 Level II

    Dec 10, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Actually thats a pretty good guide, keep adding to it ;)
  7. GrapeFruit

    GrapeFruit Level IV

    Dec 12, 2006
    Likes Received:
    The Beach
    At the current time 15 points of damage per icon is the highest.
  8. furious-johnson

    furious-johnson Level I

    Dec 13, 2006
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    good guide man ty
  9. bititid0

    bititid0 Level III

    Nov 17, 2006
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    the best cheap set is definitely
    scarab ring x2
    lesser healing scroll
    illusens earth potiom

    *about 11k

    forget the leaf shield at this point, you are too weak for it to do much.

    once you get higher stats and more np, upgrade like so.

    dont get essence of esophogor, it is a 9 icon weapon and you can get psellias fighting fan, which also does 9 icons, for cheaper (there are other 9 iconers that are much cheaper)
    leaf shield
    greater healing scroll
    ice club/stone club OR electro sword/gold handled katana if you want to go cheaper for 1 less icon(whichever)
    golden compass (if you dont have dual PFFs or stone clubs)
    snowglobe staff

    *drop illusens earth potion, it does less damage than your constants anyway.

    **also, make sure you have burrow and drain life at this point.

    ***about 300k after faeries and weapons

    higher stats and a few mil to blow-

    honey potion
    Wand of Reality/Bow of Destiny (whichever, both if you can afford them)
    Psellias Fighting Fan (if you dont have 2 WoR/BoD)
    leaf shield
    Rainbow Scorchstone (unless your species has a good healer)
    snowglobe staff (unless you can afford a species freezer or an h4k)

    *anywhere from 5-15mil depending on what you choose to get

    **you should have sink and berserk by this point as well as burrow and drain life.

    max set-150mil to waste (assuming you dont have 500mil to waste)

    -thyoras tear
    -leaded elemental vial
    -dual sword of skarsden/pirate captains cutlass
    -freezing potion, magic marbles of mystery, or sleep ray

    *about 140mil

    you can check any weapons stats at this site ... =&letter=r
  10. GrapeFruit

    GrapeFruit Level IV

    Dec 12, 2006
    Likes Received:
    The Beach
    Ok I will analyze what you just said step by step. First you may think you may think l-shield is ineffective at this point but you must also remember that you'll be fighting pets of similar stats so you'll still block most if not all of their attack. Second at the time of writing EOE was still doing 10 icons so I'll have to update it and PFF never did 10 icons ;) it only does 9. Third your sets are fairly accurate but you're jumping and having to high a margin between upgrades. I'll have an intermediate/expert bd set guide soon and go more in depth on how to correctly use it but at current time, time doesn't permit for me to do so.
  11. GrapeFruit

    GrapeFruit Level IV

    Dec 12, 2006
    Likes Received:
    The Beach
    Updated it went more indepth on how to use the weapons to its full capacity as well as switched some things around.
  12. bititid0

    bititid0 Level III

    Nov 17, 2006
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    i thought it did 10, but w/e. eoe has always done 9

    the earthen scorchstone isnt a bomb

    why have leaf shield AND patched magic hat?

    they wont have burrow at such a low boost

    these battles usually dont last longer than 3 rounds anyway

    why have so many constants?


    why have 3 constants?

    the lupe wand is a species weapon and breaks. snowglobe staff is the better choice

    you dont really have to focus on what icons you do at this point, this comes later on when we get into reflectors. just get light, dark, earth and air icons and hope you get lucky. in other words, RSB and stone club should do the trick
  13. GrapeFruit

    GrapeFruit Level IV

    Dec 12, 2006
    Likes Received:
    The Beach
    I wrote this guide a while ago for something different and while I was writing it was doing 10 icons of damage I calculated it many times. ESS is not I bomb I had something else there and forgot to change it. I like defense so thats why I have both not much difference but I like the price and quality of it. As for burrow allot of 20boost players are starting to add burrow I know below that it may not be a factor but being prepared never hurts. I've seen/been in fights that last longer than 3 rounds because FF have become the low level ECA. The reason for so many constants is to get around most defenses you may encounter.
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