Beginner's Guide to Keyquest (Under Construction)

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by mjnskivt, Jan 14, 2009.

  1. mjnskivt

    mjnskivt Level III

    Aug 9, 2008
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    right behind you
    .:I. Knowing the game:.​

    -Keyquest is like any other board game in that your object is to get to the finish before your opponents.
    -However, in order to finish, you must collect all five keys on the board.
    -The keys are white, green, blue, red, and yellow, and you need at least one of each. The map of key locations is below.
    Key Map img goes here
    -While playing the game, you will also collect Neopoints by moving and winning mini-games.
    -After the game is finished, keys are awarded as prizes, and you get the Neopoints you've collected in-game.
    1st = Gold
    2nd = Silver
    3rd = Bronze
    4th = Lead
    -You can then go to the vault and use your keys to unlock actual item prizes. Gold gets 4 items, silver gets 3, etc.
    -For a complete list of prizes, go to Jellyneo.

    .:II. Finding your game:.​

    -Obviously, you want to win the best possible items every time you play.
    -To have the best chance of doing this, always pick 2-player, 5-key games. Even if you lose, you still get silver!
    -These are the most sought after games, so sometimes they're tough to get into, but it never takes too long to find one.
    -If you have a fast connection and can afford to be picky, look at the usernames of the people you can choose to play against.
    -Between some guy with a real 1337 name, and some newb whose name is j_j_lb3903, always choose the newb who maybe hasn't been around as long. There's a good chance it won't matter, but it gives you the best shot at winning.

    .:III. Choosing your house:.​

    -So, now you're in a game, you've rolled to see who chooses their house first, and you won. Which house should you pick?
    -There's benefits and detriments to each choice, but since this is my guide, we'll use my strategy.
    -If given the opportunity, always take the snowy pink house in the lower left corner.
    -Your next choice should be the yellow, normal looking house, followed by the haunted house, then the desert house.
    House img here

    .:IV. Knowing the map:.​

    -You've already seen the map of key locations, but they are just a single, albeit important, element of the map.
    -There are several different types of tiles, and knowing what they do can make the difference in a game.
    -Neopoint tiles: There are 2 different types.
    Golden coins give you 50 np whenever you pass them. They are the most abundant type of tile.
    The red and white tiles that look like peppermints give you 200 np whenever you land on them. They do not give you anything for simply passing.
    Mini-game tiles: The purple tiles that have a starry ball on them. When landed on, they activate a mini-game. They give nothing for passing.
    Key tiles: Tiles with keys above them. As you probably guess, passing them gives you whatever key they contain.
    Portal tiles: The purple swirly tiles. There are 2 of these. Whenever you pass over one, you will be given the option to go through the portal, which will take you to the other.
    Mystery tiles: The tiles with a star and ? on them. There are 2 of these. Landing on them activates a mystery event that can be either good or bad, and affects all players.
    Alignment tiles: There are 6 of these. Fire is red, water is blue with a drop on it, air is blue with a cloud on it, earth is green, light is yellow, and dark is purple.
    Align map img here
    The treasure chest: The best tile on the board. Awards a random (usually >700) amount of np, a power-up, and a key of your choice.
    treasure map img here

    In the works: power-ups, alignments, strategy, & more.

    Edit: I don't have time to finish this any more
  2. Ice Nine

    Ice Nine Level IV

    Nov 15, 2008
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    PA, USA
    I know you are still editing, but just to help out a little bit...note that the treasure chest only awards those things if you land directly on it and you already have a key. If you do not have a key (any color) then the treasure chest will appear closed on the game board and you will not receive anything for landing on it.

    Also, you have yet to mention power-up tiles.

    One last thing, I realize that you are going with your strategy and thus starting from the pink home is best for you, but it should be mentioned that if you have a pet that has earth alignment, then starting at the yellow home is probably better because you have the opportunity to land on the earth tile in the very beginning...and if you end up with a super key grabber that can be pretty much game :)
  3. krombie

    krombie Newbie

    Dec 29, 2008
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    I think it might be better if you center EVERYTHING, so it's a bit eaiser to read as well as adding screenshots wherever you can, when you do get the time that is.