Just got me a shiny new Vibrant and wanted to see what kinda apps you kids were using these days So this doesn't turn into a list thread(ie. nothing but lists of apps) please state the App name and why you like it. Much appreciated
I just have to put my phone back together then I will get back to you of what the apps were named. I have terrible memory of names. I droped (really I just like to make it sound like an accendent to make my self feel better) the phone and the LCD smashed. So i bought a replacement screen and taken the phone appart. I think one game was called alchemy. its a game where you put elements together to make another element. its lots of fun. so you start off with the 4 basic elements such as fire, wind , water, earth and you can end up with stuff like lava golm, yoshy, 1up mushroom, etc. as i said ill post some more info about more apps later. I should upload some photos of it in bits.
Droid 2 is coming out with Verizon in the near future. I did be out of that one. if you intend to stay with Verizon. Keep in mind that for Verizon to launch 4G for about a year late and all of the current phones that support it
im a fan of the color flashlight, if you have any epileptic friends you can make then seizure. umm the bar code scanners and such are fun but dont really have a purpose. i have a samsung intercept and i really only play robodefence on it. very good bathroom gaming.
Qik! Or Tango! Video chatting on your phone. Remember that episode of The Simpsons where Marge called Homer on the video phone? Hi guys, we're in the future! =O Now all we need are hovercrafts, teleportation, and robots to take over the world. Yesssss.
the video chat kills your battery like no other and its like watching a webcam on dial up unless you have wifi or 4g.
untill your battery gets fried from being drained too much. or if you have an eletrical surge in your car..... then you wish you would have just used a phone as a phone.......
Advanced Task Killer...must-use program...doubles the battery life on my HTC Evo If you want a cool game, Alchemy is really addicting
I think the best Android Shazam application. I think he does something amazing, and most phones can run Android, which makes it even better.
Ha I have the best app on the my phone.... wait for it .... warcraft yes thats right the original warcraft! its hard to play as the screen is small and your finger is the mouse so its hard to move around. but you can play it Link to details and how to install it on your Android phone http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=422606