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Bilateral LASIK Surgery

Discussion in 'World of SPAM' started by Junior, Nov 25, 2012.

  1. Junior

    Junior Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 8, 2009
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    I come from a land down under! (Maaaate!)
    Has anyone else here had any form of Eye Surgery? I just had the above procedure, which is basically corrective, to prevent me from having to wear contacts / glasses. It's not very cheap - Cost me just shy of $6,000. However over 10yrs it will work out cheaper than my contacts etc. and alot more comfortable. Hopefully... Once the feeling of sand in my eye has gone.

    Anyway - that is where I've been the last couple o days. I still shouldn't be on computers long but wanted to pop in and say heeey!

    P.S - I could give details on the op if anyone is curious - but don't blame me if it puts you off ever getting it done.

    Put it this way - Despite what happens, I'd get it done again if I ever had to.
  2. Heya

    Heya Level III

    Oct 14, 2009
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    details please :p Whats it like? I always wanted to get it, but i'm still pretty young...
  3. ZephyrStarlight

    ZephyrStarlight Level I

    Sep 27, 2012
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    Nopenopenopenopenope! D8 Although my sight is getting progressively worse, I won't have the surgery. It scares me way too much...especially after watching Final Destination 5. T_T
  4. Junior

    Junior Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 8, 2009
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    I come from a land down under! (Maaaate!)
    My experience should not deter anyone else from getting it done.

    Prior to having it done I was told it was a very uncomfortable procedure, with minimal pain. And that 9 out of 10 people would remember it. I was the 10th...

    They give you Zanax tablets (google it) - this surprisingly did nothing for me.... I was completely normal, not out of it at all. But thats okay... figured it might be delayed (It wasn't!). Then some numbing eye drops - I felt them working.. well, at least I thought they were. Must of work off quick...

    Basically you get prepped with the above medication, and they basically paint your eyes / around your eyes with Bedadine (antseptic stuff).

    you go into this room, lay on this dental style bed. They get you to look up at this light, and they put something on your eye. It's hard to explain, but basically, your eye goes in this round part, and then with a push of a button it suction cups to your eye. It is extremely uncomfortable, and a little scratchy.. hurt at first. It stops your eye lids from shutting. Once in, they put you under this machine. You basically need to keep looking straight up at it - which isn't easy when it starts, and with the uncomfortable feeling you now have. Luckily the machine has an automatic cut off if the eye moves - so don't stress.

    you watch this light, and the doctors say a few things. Basically its a blade that cuts your eye in a 'U' type shape, creating a flap. I could feel this cutting - it was slightly painful, but not unbearable. At the end, the doctor will pull that flap back using a tweazer type instrument. This hurt.. Was like scratching your eye with something sharp.

    This scared me too.. As the flap gets pulled back you lose your sight. It goes extremely blurry.

    Once done they slide you under this other machine and again, tell you to look at this light. Was a little hard at first to see the light as your sights blurry and (my eyes at least..) were watering an sore. While looking at the light, you see this blue electric type spark. Imagine the little button that starts an old stove by creating that little blue spark. That is what it reminded me of. But lots of sparks. It sort of zaps your eye for 15 seconds. (longer depending on how much you look away etc. - again, safe due to cut off features). It kinda felt like you were getting zapped too. Weird feeling... I think by this stage all my numbing stuff had worn off. You eyes will likely water a lot during this bit. Mine did. Unless it was me crying because of the pain.. lol. Once done, they slide you out, the doctor puts the flap back down (again, painful scratchy feeling). Then they take the suction thingy off your eye and ta-da!

    You're done. Then repeat for the second eye.(if you get both done at the same time that is.. I did).

    Once my eye was out the suction thingy they shut - and stayed shut until the next morning. I tried opening them slightly but I was too scared too. Plus your eyes are extremely light sensitive.

    The next morning I went back in at 9am (procedure was the day before at about 2.30pm). He made me open my eyes, and without cleaning away any of the excess muck built up around the eye from dried tears, I still managed to have 20/20 in one eye and just below that in my other. (the second eye had crap in it though.. might be better on next test).

    Despite all the pain and uncomfortable feelings - I'd definitely have it done again. I am only just getting around without my tinted mask, and I can see fantastically. My eyes are light sensitive, still a bit sore and look cool (blood vessels broken :p), but I can see things I never could before.

    ZephyrStarlight - Be scared. You should be. I was petrified. It's your eyes we're talking about. Very serious stuff. However, you cannot live your life in fear. You will live a very boring life if you don't face fear, challenge it. Especially in this case - thousands of people get it done. I think its a pretty safe procedure now :p

    Heya - I'm 24 and got it done. Needed a steady script for 2 years minimum prior. Mines been reasonably steady for around 4 years, just couldn't afford it until now. Good investment I say - because contact lenses are so uncomfortable over time (I wore for 10years or so.. ). Eye infections, dry eyes... etc. I was using more than I was meant to a year, so think I was spending anywhere from $600 to $1000 a year on them.

    P.S - Happy to answer any specifics if anyone has them.
  5. Heya

    Heya Level III

    Oct 14, 2009
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    sounds scary. The cutting and flipping back part sounds terrible, but may depend on how careful the guy whose doing it is.

    I wear contacts 12-14 hours a day usually, seven days a week. I constantly have dry eyes (weed doesn't help that, lol) and go through contacts every 2 weeks while they are spouse to be monthly's. So the idea is interesting, but yet again, I'm only 19.
  6. Lightning

    Lightning Administrator
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    Nov 8, 2008
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    Florida, USA
    Ugh - I thought this was a bot posting an ad again :p

    But yeah, my dad is in the medical fields - although he does not specialize in eyes. He says he gets prescriptions for people that need some medicine after the surgery - but other than that, they are fine. Most of the time, if the surgery is successful, you don't miss many days before you can return to normal. However, many people fear the big price tag that goes along with it, although you should check with your insurance coverage to see if it covers at least some of the costs.
  7. ZephyrStarlight

    ZephyrStarlight Level I

    Sep 27, 2012
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    I'm honestly not afraid of much, but even if I wanted to get it done I could never afford it, and ain't no way in hell I'm bringing the subject up with my parents. My mom would be all for it, she wants to get hers done, and I told her to go right ahead, I'll be in the waiting room. 8)
  8. Junior

    Junior Administrator
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    Nov 8, 2009
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    I come from a land down under! (Maaaate!)
    My cover didn't cover it :p But meh.. Money well spent I say!

    P.S - The cutting is done by laser - no hands required. The peeling back part is manual though - at least I'm fairly sure it was since I can remember watching him poke my eye (sounds weird eh :p)

    As for the bot thing Lightning - I thought the same thing at first.
  9. Junior

    Junior Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 8, 2009
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    I come from a land down under! (Maaaate!)

    I understand that! Mine were lasting 2 - 3 usually. Gets expensive eh :p

    19 is not too young - depending on the optometrists you get the referral from.

    that being said, I was the youngest person by about 35years that I saw in the actual specialists / surgeons building :p
  10. Heya

    Heya Level III

    Oct 14, 2009
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    maybe in 5-10 years, who knows. Right now, i'll enjoy not having my eyes cut open and flipped back with tweezers tyvm :) lol
  11. CoS

    CoS Level IV

    Jun 16, 2008
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    This is definitely something that I would consider having done, despite having seen final destination ;) Due to the cost though I would have to wait until I leave uni/get a job!
  12. Drumstick

    Drumstick Level III

    Jan 14, 2009
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    Ontario, Canada
    Contacts are dumb, glasses are better
    I honestly have no idea if I would get it. I thought about it a lot when I was playing volleyball, and if I had continued to play at a high level, it probably would have been best. But I'm not playing anymore and I like my glasses for whatever reason.

    My dad got laser eye surgery though and loves it, so +1 from him.
  13. coconutmoon

    coconutmoon Level III

    Jan 27, 2007
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    I just scheduled a couple of consults for lasik in January. I'm 25 and I have small eyes so I can't wear contacts. This means glasses all day every day, which sucks! As scared as I am about the surgery (and the potential negative side effects), I would really like to get my eyes fixed. I'm hoping the optometrist gives the go ahead. Cheers to those of you who have successfully had it done.
  14. Freja

    Freja Level IV

    Sep 20, 2008
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    Oh holy jesus, I don't know how many times I cringed at you describing that. I don't know if I'd ever get it done, I'd be wayyyy too terrified. I have an awful sight which is getting worse nowadays. I need to start using glasses or contacts again, I just havn't pulled myself together yet. My eyes are like +3.25 and +3.75 last time they checked, so it should be pretty bad. I was told it could get better when I got older though, and it's been pretty long since they checked it.

    But I think I'd rather stick to glasses than go through that. I'm such a pussy ):
  15. swing72

    swing72 Newbie

    Dec 2, 2012
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    my eyes are both -6
  16. Heya

    Heya Level III

    Oct 14, 2009
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    have you ever tried contacts? I would not be able to play any sport with out contacts, as glasses would fall off my face. After 5 minutes, i don't even know I have contacts in because they are so comfortable. I hate glasses too cause you can see out of the corners which doesn't have a lens, thus my peripherals are blurry with glasses. Contacts are a perfect solution to everything, they are just expensive and annoying to have to take in and out. It wold be so much more convenient to just wake up everyday to perfect vision :D
  17. swing72

    swing72 Newbie

    Dec 2, 2012
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    that's why I buy the contacts that you leave in for 2 weeks. you can sleep in them :D
  18. Junior

    Junior Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 8, 2009
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    I come from a land down under! (Maaaate!)
    I had monthly contacts... but i still took them out when I remembered :)

    It is worth every second of discomfort / pain.

    Everyone experience is different. Most apparently don't remember it because of the medication they give you prior.

    Don't not get it due to fear... Would be a big mistake :)
  19. Drumstick

    Drumstick Level III

    Jan 14, 2009
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    Ontario, Canada
    I used to play national volleyball
    but yea, only time I'll ever wear contacts is for sport.

    I agree with the perfect vision part. Would be nice :c