Not the sort of troubles that I have a birthday and upset about it, but rather that I can't remember the birthdate for one of my accounts. Does anyone know a hack or anything to get the birthday for an account? I have the UN and password, but no luck with the birthdate. >.< I feel so dumb right now.
Yeah, that REALLY sucks because like a few months ago, birthday cracking used to be available. Now, I believe TNT has patched it up, and we aren't able to do it anymore...the only real way to get the birthday is by brute force and proxies.
Birthday cracks were possible almost 2-3 months ago via mobile, but neopets caught on. There's ABSOLUTELY NO WAY to get it back with just your user and password now.
Yes; that's the other method - have a NF'd account check each day if the age has gone up or not, after a year you'll know the birthday. I don't remember whether or not you can see the age of another user without being confirmed NFs, though, so I don't know if you can try friending it and see the age. (Since obviously you can't go on that account and accept. =P) If you have any other old accounts that's friends with it, though, check that? (That's what I was doing 'til I cracked the bdays with the Neopets Mobile method back during the summer.)
Nahh, the "request and check age" method hasn't work for a longgggggggg time now. All the info shows up as "??" until the user accepts your request.
if you at least remember what year, you still have a moderately good chance to get it back, itll take out at least 4 months, but its better than nothing. if you have absolutely no clue, but you know the account isnt a kids account, then you know it has to be before 1996, and after 1990, so at this point itll only take u 32 years if you try 3 times day and get it on the absolutely last try. Good luck. I'd say itll be better to create a new account at this point cuz 32 years is a long wait.
1990? I'm not sure I understand the after 1990... >.< I think I may give up on it, until someone comes up with a new way to crack that age barrier thing. u.u; Too bad too. It was a good aged shell.
HA! Okay good. I was like "er...I think I was born before 1990..." Now it all makes sense. Well, boo for me. I guess I'll just have to age another shell....or buy one. xD
I'm pretty sure that now, if you can guess the right year (maybe it needs month, not sure), you can crack the birthday. Recently, I found two old accounts I had by going through my email, and I logged in, but it still said "Incorrect birthday" when I was signing in. Dunno, but my theory is you just need the year, maybe the month as well. But definitely not the exact date.
Yes you still need the correct date. It says incorrect birthday and still logged you in if you guessed wrong, then guessed right. I got the same result on my accounts a few weeks ago. If you log in and guess and it tells you incorrect bday, and you log in again with the right bday, the birthday option will be gone, and it will say incorrect bday in red on the screen again, but if u pay close attention youll notice it actually did log you in. so im assuming its just bad programing on their part