i think it would be really cool to have a blue evil fuzzle player cuz ive tried to get the avi but i cant cuz it just takes too long. a player would be excellent.
you mean the one where you play endlessly with your pet to get the avatar? no need for scripts, just google for reloadevery addon for firefox, install it, then set it to refresh on the page where your pet says 'woohoo' or something like that. i got the av in 3 mins using this method
there is no link, its the toy 'blue evil fuzzle' that you have to play with your pet, and when you play with it you have a small chance of getting an avatar. quote from avatar.starried.net:
so basiccly ure sayin all u have to do is hold the refreash button kinda like the same way u play dice a roo by holding the enter key. ill give it a shot sometime.