freaking ridiculous what happened to the book price, but yea, I doubt inflation is going to do anything to the steak prices, has anyone experimented with another book with cooking in the name or anything?
orange juice dropped from 100k, but i say we just buy everything. And they do restock all the time, but so does the book and look how expensive it is people will do anything on the last day of august, so i say inflating is wortha shot
The book isn't restocking and it made me RS banned. Other than that, I sold 10 orange juice for 80k a piece. Thank god I use orange juice as an avatar item.
Ughh. I'm so annoyed that I donated my OJ & Blumaroo Steak to someone who needed the Packrat avatar before the soloution was found out.
The mad inflation is because of the rumour that the avatar is only available in August, although not confirmed, TNT's editorial clue gives a strong indication it could be.
TNT said to get it quick before it's going to become another mystery for another year. The due date for this avatar could be the end of this year.
Which makes me think... Is TNT gonna be mean again NEXT year and make it a completly differ set of items? Cuz really, thats how TNT is lol. To stock up, or not to sock up for next year lol Guess after aug, once the prices plummet couldnt hurt to stock up on some i guess. I love my avies so this is a real pain in the ... its not like TNT releases avvies like they use to
I'm esimating they'll drop down o below 100k, but above 20k. Then they'll drop down to 5-10k by December, and 2-5k by Feb/March of next year. Around May/June they'll start to rise again, and end of July they'll be up to 10k-20k.