(BOARD CLOSED) Kad Feeder - Suggestion

Discussion in 'Neopets Program Discussion' started by Junior, Feb 16, 2010.

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  1. Junior

    Junior Administrator
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    Nov 8, 2009
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    I come from a land down under! (Maaaate!)
    Okay I know that there is a Power Feeder that is currently available for download. (someone said it didn't work though... some say it does.. I cannot say as I don't have it :p)

    However, I've had a look at the description of the program and have some ideas which may make it better, OR ideas for someone to make one using these suggestions.

    Number 1:
    Auto-Time Recognition
    Using the neopets kad feeding boards, use the "next main/mini" refresh times as your refresh times.
    Or even make it so the user has to manually add the first time, and then it auto-generates from then on. Which wouldn't be too hard seeing as the times are always spaced a certain amount apart. I'm not sure if a program will be able to tell if the restock/update occurred or not to re-calculate the times. That's something you programmers need to advise. But if a person can, I'd assume it could be written to work some how?

    Number 2:
    List Feature
    Allow users to upload a list of items they're willing to buy so they can exclude those they do not wish to get.

    But making it so if the user does not input a list, it will randomly buy one of those items from a random kad square from the shop wizard.

    If possible maybe a "Feed from SDB" feature if people already have the items and want to only feed the specific ones they have.

    (thats sort of 3 in one :p my bad)

    Number 3:
    I forgot what number 3 was going to be... I'll update when i remember. But including all the other normals like "how long for program to run", "max price to pay for items" etc...

    I don't know about anyone else, but the Kad Feeder is something I would really like.

    (also, if anyone that uses the current power feeder can advise of its working order please let me know before i download it to test)
  2. tharoux

    tharoux Level IV

    Dec 30, 2006
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    In front of my PC, Montreal
    Re: Kad Feeder - Suggestion

    My PowerFeeder works. Testing + feeding on my main, I'm at around 100 kad fed.
    Not all programs can work for everyone. Some people will experience problems, some won't.
    Every rig is unique and each persons have a bunch of apps installed that can alter how each program works.

    As for your suggestion...
    1- I didn't bother doing this simply cause there's too much work involve for so little reward.
    Checking a board, witch might not be on the first page, with peoples posting in it with different information configuration will just create unwanted error and WILL crash the program.

    2- Kinda useless since you can specify witch items you do not want to buy (UB) and you can set a max price on the items you want to buy. The program also check in your inventory before buying and if the item is there, won't bother looking the SW. Again, skipping the SDB was just to save 4-5 http request, pin handling, possible errors. And let's face it, there's probably ALOT more items you want to buy than those who you shouldn't. Plus when the item is in the exclusion list, it won't even check the SW to look more legit.

    If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reply. I'll try the help as much as possible.
    Junior likes this.
  3. Anfan

    Anfan Level IV

    Feb 12, 2009
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    Re: Kad Feeder - Suggestion

    I’m pretty sure tharoux’s program refreshes and checks on kads, adds the UBs to an exclusion list, then refreshes on the minute until it finds the main restock, then uses a special timer for the kadoatery already. :yup:

    No point using a kad list, as kad food is so varied the point of a program is to save you the trouble of making lists, n’est-ce pas? After all, a program wiz feeding is still nearly as fast as someone legitly invent feeding, and even then invent feeds are limited in the scope of items they can reach. Same goes for SDB feeding – no point, as it’ll only save you one page load (search, get item, as opposed to wiz as search, go to shop, buy item), and a program is still plenty fast.

    It would be amazing if the Power Feeder actually worked for me, though. :tehe:
  4. tharoux

    tharoux Level IV

    Dec 30, 2006
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    In front of my PC, Montreal
    Re: Kad Feeder - Suggestion

    Let's get another try at solving this problem.
    What's happening (or not happening in this case XD )

    And as of now, the program does not use a special timer. I can probably add a timer for main kad restock that will wait the 3X minutes before a new kad RE but I don't want to miss mini-RE. So far, I'm often using the "refresh at minutes + XX seconds". This will refresh 2 times in the same minutes and it's working good.
  5. Junior

    Junior Administrator
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    Nov 8, 2009
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    I come from a land down under! (Maaaate!)
    Re: Kad Feeder - Suggestion

    Okay well they sound like damn good reasons :p

    +rep for fast response and good explanation, and confirmation.

    I shall download it and see :D

    P.S Can someone lock the board please :)
  6. tharoux

    tharoux Level IV

    Dec 30, 2006
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    In front of my PC, Montreal
    Re: Kad Feeder - Suggestion

    Anfan, please pm me for futher analysis :D
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