damn boochi just turned my darigan lupe into a baby lupe... i didnt know what happenedbecause i got it with the spider refresher so i couldnt read the whole event...i was not very happy... who else has got the ray gun fired at them?
Ooh, sorry. Did you at least get him as a challenger? If you did, you can get your anger out on him in the BD. That always works for me.
I had boochi fire at me once, but he missed. The pet WAS unpainted so I wouldn't have cared if he missed or hit it .
so the boochi, does he only attack your active pet? so you could have a not so good pet on active to get zapped
Yes. Does Boochi and the other random events that change your pets colour only affect your active pet? I was just wondering because I'd get mad if any of my pets besides my lab pet (which is always my active pet) were zapped by Boochi and turned into a baby... - Artsy_frog We aren't THAT mean, Boochi will only zap your active pet.
Boochi is awesome. I'm still waiting for him. I actually want a baby pet, and don't want to spend 600k for a paintbrush.
I got him on a different account, but it took forever. He zapped my ruki into a baby, but now my baby ruki is a lutari because of the labray.