Bored on Neo need goal

Discussion in 'World of SPAM' started by Elhoof, Sep 13, 2009.

  1. Elhoof

    Elhoof Level III

    Sep 29, 2007
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    Out of My mind Back in 5
    I'm losing interest in Neo as lil AB's making it soooo easy :D so I want something to reinvigorate my interest at least for a little bit.. I've tried extensive gambling and am sort of over that.. the ideas I'm contemplating are

    - doing around 35 rotting riches over 7 days obviously, solely for the awesome ss of winning a moehog skull though its highly unlikely (I've been doing mostly nerks and t-maps thus far in my gambling)
    - getting one of those ridiculously expensive stamp avatars on a two week account with an avatar count of like 3 then taunting ACer's (though maybe this will get me frozen :p)
    - finish a half decent bd set with the staple items (ie. standard 100% freeze, t-tear, LEV, trident, g-bomb, g-shield, f-tab, pcc, very general stuff just for the coolness factor i'm not THAT rich as to aim for for set with I-staff level stuff)
    - Make/buy a pet with a kickass name and stack their stats into something odd maybe agility stack :p if thats even possible
    - Get a themed set of pets with similar-ish names for example North South East West (obviously these names are impossible) and morph/dress them to suit the style as expensively as possible

    Anymore ideas for me?
  2. Zer0

    Zer0 Level IV

    Mar 2, 2008
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    Home sweet home
    Start a gallery
  3. Rhett

    Rhett Level IV

    Dec 2, 2007
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    Do amazing things and don't get frozen for it. It's nearly impossible though.

    On a serious note, just make an account that you can be proud of, but don't make something that you can't make again. For example, if you LOVE a pet's name, keep it as safe as possible while building up your account. You'll really regret losing something like that. Also, so you don't have to restart completely every time you're frozen, sell the NP you have stored up. $$ can't be frozen when you lose an account. Other than that, build an account up piece by piece, but don't finalize anything. With the stamps, keep the stamps on a few accounts, let them sit, start up on a new project. Get your BD set ready on a few other accounts, let that sit. Once you have everything, slowly build up your mega account and begin your conquest of everything. Once you're bored, sell it all and buy a car.
  4. fail

    fail Level IV

    Aug 31, 2007
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    Cross paint all of your pets.
  5. Elhoof

    Elhoof Level III

    Sep 29, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Out of My mind Back in 5
    Knock on wood but I've never been frozen.. I mostly want to do something crazy and reckless anyways, don't really care about making a super account a 1000k + agility boost otherwise normal level 1 pet appeals more to my sense of humor
  6. BlazinDivah

    BlazinDivah Level III

    Aug 6, 2009
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    Ontario CANADA
    LOL I really like this option lol

    "getting one of those ridiculously expensive stamp avatars on a two week account with an avatar count of like 3 then taunting ACer's (though maybe this will get me frozen :p"