hey does anyone know what the diference is in stud earrings for guys and stud earrings for gurls? or is there really no difference at all
dont triple post lolz and i mean studs i no big hoopy ones are for gurls lolz so whats the difference in studs for men and studs for gurls?
I don't think there is a difference if you're talking about the plain studs. If they are just plain gold or silver or just with a white diamond in them then I know guys that wear those. And I think some guys just have to buy a set and then only wear one of them (if they have just 1 ear done) so they could be for both boys and girls!
There is no difference, like said before. Well, actually, depends, there are some earrings that are for girls, they're the ones that have diff. colors. You can tell those are for girls, but if you're talking about the fake diamond or diamond ones, those are for both girl and boy, you'd just never see a girl wear the huge ones like guys do.
If some bloke wanted to wear big hoopy earrings, that is his choice. I wear body jewelery in my ears. So, up to the individual what they wear.
Hmm i don't think there's a difference, doesn't guys usually just wear 1 earring? obviously the guy's earring will probably just be a diamond or a black stud, something plain, no pink flowers or anything XD
now this is just me, but i think a guy wearing an earring is very attractive and it doesnt really matter what we think as long as whoevers wearing em likes em
i'd get an earing but it seems every other guy has one and its too conforming where as once apon a time it was full rebelling, shame.. maybe i'll get my eye pierced or something instead
ive always wated to get my eyebrow peirced, hehe i love tatoos and peircings, its different, and people who have them are shoving it in your face that they like it and they dont care what anyone around them thinks thats why i like it.
I wouldn't get my eyebrow (or eye lol) or anything else on my face pierced, it wouldn't suit me. I have my ears done once and my belly button pierced, I like that a lot. But that's about as adventurous as I'm ever going to get though. Too scared to have a tatoo because either you have to keep it all your life, or removing it scars.
Are the studs for guys a little bit bigger? Some guys at work wear one stud and they look alot bigger than the girls studs which look a little smaller and more delicate.
I'm pretty sure there is no difference in the actual structure of the earing. The length of the stud is really only for people who have... "fat" or "thin" earlobes. I have tried on a few with really short backs and they pinch my ears too tight. I have 5 holes in each ear. And I buy whatever earings I like. My boyfriend has both ears too. His and my bottom holes are stretched. And those earings are made for who ever too. It all depends on your taste