I was watching this story all day in the afternoon. I was so scared that the boy had died or was still in the balloon. I`m so glad he was found okay, although his parents probably killed him. :lol: (story here: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33330516/ns/us_news-life/)
lol i heard about this on the radio today when i was at the mall... Glad the little one is ok, cant believe he was hiding in the closet XD priceless lol
I'm surprised they didn't think to check their own house first. But... I'm glad hes safe. I was watching it live, shocked he could be in that balloon.
I saw this family on wife swap like a year or two ago. I am not surprise AT ALL this hoax. Yes, I sincerely believe this is a hoax. Go find the wife swap episode on youtube or something. The father is a horrible person, the mother has NO manners and acts like a 2 year old, and the kids have no discipline whatsoever. Wasted hundreds of man hours worth of productivity for a few hours of fame. The father had been trying to pitch a reality tv show about their family after 2 stints on wife swap. The father called the local news station before the local police, and the kid said it was for show. Theyre the kind of family you would love to hate.
I have to kinda agree... The evidence doesn't look too great for them. lol. Its pretty obvious it was a hoax, but they want it to look like its not so they get that tv show... A smart idea, but very annoying to say the least. They should have criminal charges pended. If not for the hoax, for releasing that ballon... If it happened to get into restricted air space... They're could of been some real problems, weather the kid was in it or not. If a plane hit it, it could of crashed... Also, i bet at least oone person called and said it was a ufo, lol. Bottom line, they are a familey that everyone should hate, becuase they are that annoying, give me attention, put me on tv, kind of family.
I was watching Conan last night, apparantly the kid through up yesterday, so I ran looked it up on youtube, here's a very suspciious video lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgaPI2rr3_s The dad looks suspicious in that video, like ansy, and the kid just throws up all over him xD
I'm pretty sure parents yell at their kids all the time. It's just things like this that cause commotion.
LOL NEW UPDATE ON THE BALLOON KID. 1. HE THREW UP ON TV! {just youtube "balloon kid throw up"} 2 The family is being charged because this whole thing was fake, and created for publicity. Apparently the kid said "I hid in the basement cuz of the show" and his dad looked really nervous.
DEFINITELY a hoax. The father is a space nut, and I'm sure they just wanted the attention back from wifeswap. And how the fuck can your kid be in your attic for that length of time without you even noticing? AND WHY WOULDN'T YOU SEARCH THERE???