if you disagree with canadian troops being out there fighting sign this petition http://www.petitiononline.com/aaa123/petition.html
Sorry I disagree with you, the job needs to be done before troops leave no matter how long it takes. Thats my opinion I do not wish to argue with you
They signed up to the army for a reason. They entered a contract. No offence but its their own faults. And to be honest, one little petition won't make a difference.
ill sign the petition because i depise war with evry fiber of my being, but i relly dont think a petition is going to help. but good luck. :cry:
I don't think a contract is bigger than a human life,and I still believe War is not the answer. so..I'm going to sign the petition stuff .-.
thanks guys but yea this might not make a differnace but hey you never know this petition might reach the millions our troops might come home!