So my xbox broke recently, the power strip works fine, but my system doesn't read the connection thus not turning on, called microsoft and they said it is a $100 fix -_- just curious as to if this has happened to anyone else, or any similar problems. I've gotten the red ring on my xbox once already and such, and I'm not sure if I should buy a new xbox or just pay the $100 If your console is over one year old i would wrap it up in a towel or some clothes and turn it on for 30 minutes, this will result in your console forthcoming to 3 red lights (ring of death) which carry`s a 3 year warranty, so Microsoft should fix for free.
My problem isn't the red ring, it is the fact that my console won't power on due to the console not being able to pick up the power cord
Did this just started happening out of nowhere. Or did you drop it? DO any lights come on? Does this help ?
If all else fails I would pay the 100 dollars. New xbox 360's are like 200 dollars, you are still saving.
I think you should get a new one...If its life spam is up, playing it and trying to fix it would be very annoying
Well, it shouldn't be broken at its age XD I've only had it a year, just some wear and tear I guess but I'm debating buying a new one..
If you are familiar with the system you could always pop it open (video here as to how to do so: ) and see if you have anything that has come loose or perhaps overheated and melted. Only problem with opening it is you void the warranty. But if you do decide to go ahead and purchase a new one it might be an idea just to check and see since you won't be losing much aside from a bricked xbox. Best case scenario you might have another xbox you could sell to a friend. Also, I am extremely impatient when waiting for microsoft to send the package, repair it, and mail it back so I'd rather just do it myself.
Well I might pop it open, my warrenty is voided already since this problem isn't covered so yeah, but I personally know the person whom created xbox live, works for WMS now, and he said he may be able to have someone look at it here.
Buy a new power cord on eBay. If the power cord itself is not the problem, and the problem lies within the xbox's port for the power cord, I would suggest taking it to a local specialist who deals with these sorts of things. (Search on craigslist, you will find them everywhere. "Xbox repair".) Or if you have the money to spare, just buy a new console.