I just noticed that in order to download cheat programs you need a certain amount of points. What are these points and how do you obtain them?
Earning points is explained in this thread: announces/how-to-rack-up-posts-and-cash-responsibly-t19324.html Please read the rules and information in this forum: announcements-rules-and-information-f73/ And remember if you are trying to look for an answer always use the "search" at the top of the page, it's your best friend in avoiding double posts etc.
No, you just have to earn enough points. I'm pretty sure that you could be a brand new member and donate real money for points and you can donate (and earn) as many points as you'd like without even posting once. Lets say you wanted the AU ABer (300 points). All you would have to do would be join, then donate $30
Acrasie is correct, you don't have to be level 1, but you either have to have the number of post or donate $30 to the site. Good luck and happy to see you here