I am looking at purchasing the Slingshot of Fire, has anyone used it? Is it worth purchasing for 10mil? If not what do you recommend.
Slingshot of fire is not worth the 10 million it costs. What's your current set like? For around that price I'd go for kelpbeard's trident. http://idb.finalhit.org/indepth/id/3394 It's good value for the cost.
If you're going to be 1p doming only... Spend the extra and buy a Sword of Skardsen.... However, you are planning on 2p doming, then this isn't as bad because of the icon types it does... I still wouldn't pick it.. Think there are better weapons out there for that price range that would do better icons if paired with the right partner Let me know what you're into if you want better advice Or do research on the website above! (Or here) idb.finalhit.org
Obviously we don't know what your set looks like right now But I'd recommend possibly just keeping the weapons you have and throwing in an FPot, H4K, or MMoM - a freezer is an essential in 1p and 2p, and not worth it imo until it's 100%. But in my mind, a fairly quality set consisting of ~10mil items would be: FPot GShield FTab GBomb KBT SoS PCC KLP, or another healer It may look like too many offensive items, but it's centered around dealing a good deal of icons - and you can change those icons throughout the battle
If you are below 300 strength, get dual voidberry potions. If not, get a Kelpbeards Trident for 8.7-8.8
at the moment my set includes potable kiln rancid battle dung ( I hate this though) fire and ice blade honey potion scroll of freezing u-bend of great justice prickly potion downsize! I have 20mil to spend, if you can improve me for that, I wanna hear it. I am no good with the abbreviations, please type the name. Sorry for the double post, I just realized I could edit and add to the last post. Not used to chat boards.
I suggest you take a look at http://idb.finalhit.org/. They have great information weapons, and have an averaged rating system. That way you can see the most highly rated ones, and get some idea of how your current weapons fair against them. If you look at your Fire and Ice Blade, http://idb.finalhit.org/indepth/id/1682 you'll see that it isn't rated very well. But in terms of suggestions, we will need to know whether your mostly interested in 1 player or 2 player battling, and if 1 player, whether you just want to beat the Defender of Neopia challengers for the trophies, or if you want to max out the challengers. Stats would be helpful also.
Battle dung? Wow. That brings me way back. My opinion? Liquidate; get GC + ECA + Reflectors for 1-player You might want to stay in the 13-icon range for 2-player, just so you can get Ftab/Gshield as well.
Dual VPots + ECA for low statted 1p battling SSYT/PSS UBoGJ GShield MoC DMB PKiln KBT GBomb For 2p, if you need abbreviation help do PM or ask
rancid battle dung ( I hate this though) fire and ice blade get rid of both of these keep the p kiln, its a good constant for its price add in an sos or a kbt get rid of honey potion and scroll of freezing for a gbomb and some form of species freezer, if you wanna marph to chia or lenny freezers are cheap
Chia Freezing Goggles are now the price of freezers like FPot and H4K Lenny, or FPot + Kacheek with KLP
I am going to liquidate the bulk of my items. I am going to purchase the G-Bomb, G-Sheild, FPot and then save up for Bag of Healing Dust. not sure my chances, but I think it will do until I save up a little more nps.
Why do you need 2 freezers and you still Havent told me about the type of battling. BTW, mail me if you're selling pkiln
I do both 1p and 2p battles I am building my pet up at the moment, I was a little slack in the training department
Ok, Yeah, can you sell me your PKiln please since you'd be liquidating it. BTW, dual vpots are a must for low stat 1p battling