Ok, so were doing something in school, called Career Cruising. Basically take tests and whatnot to see what kind of job would suit us. Luckily, I landed on Game Design/Game Tester! (Which I would definitley enjoy, as I'm always at home playing games) I told my dad about it, and some requirements, I need to learn some programming language, C or C++. He said they my uncle actually works for Blizzard. So when he comes back from Texas, he is gonna teach me some stuff, anyone know where I can start to learn and study C and C++? I know it'll be like Five Years before I Graduate and Go into college, but I'm still going to enjoy learning the programming language, anyone able to teach me/ show me where to study it?
If you have another career option i STRONGLY advise it. The amount of teens that are playing games and thinking oh i can get a job learning a program language, getting a degree and spending YEARS getting enough qualifications then finding theres no jobs anywhere, tbh theres no market for game designers or creators Theres only so many games, so many people studying computing coding etc but if you strike lucky and end up in a big firm, you're set for life in a job thats fun
also... where do i DL something that lets me test out C++ stuff? ya know, like the little thing that will say Hello, World, etc...
can anyone help me? i've done a simple progr the averages 3 numbers... when i click compile and run, a window pops up and closes fast... here is what i've "programmed" i guess,,, #include<iostream> using namespace stdj int main(void) { double dnumber1 = 0.0; double dnumber2 = 0.0; double dnumber3 = 0.0; double daverage = 0.0; cout << "Please Enter 3 Numbers " << endl; cin >> dnumber1; cin >> dnumber2; cin >> dnumber3; daverage = (dnumber1 + dnumber2 + dnumber3) / 3; cout << "The Average is: " << daverage << endl << endl; system ("pause"); return 0; } also, when i open it, it says i dnt have the make file thing in the bin path, which i do, any help on that?
I recommend using G++ compiler: http://gcc.gnu.org/ Its the best out there As for your opening/closing window problem, that's just command prompt. cout outputs text through the "standard output", which just so happens to be command prompt in Windows. But once it calculates the average, the program terminates, thus closing the cmd window. sorta-solution: Go to command prompt manually (win+R, run "cmd") and run the program: "cd path/to/program; program.exe"
thanks zero. BTW, could a mod please remove one of my points? my internet was bein gay and accidentally double posted# (SoC - deleted - Could you report it in future, makes it easier but thanks for letting us know anyway)