Hay heya, do you think you could upload this again downloads.php?d=158 Or send me through other means Please i really want it thanks
Well, I think it's quite unfair, you'll just have to pay for the program in my opinion. Unless too old too good gives me a reason why she can't download it. I don't think it's deleted, and you can just buy it with 75 points.
downloads.php?page=purchases&u=9382 It's listed as already purchased. I think that the problem might be with the act of downloading the program. But that's just my understanding of this thread.
post267350.html Isn't that the updated, full version? (Although it doesn't work for me, at all. When I try to log in it just crashes instantly.)
Dont call me a she for starters.. and i couldnt download it because the upload has been deleated. EDIT: i dont know why it came up as the auto adopter but this is the program i needed downloads.php?d=158 NOT the auto adopter, but thanks fez + rep
Lol sorry, I got distracted by your sig. Which is freja, I know Anyway, you do get my point right? I thought it was another program, that was still downloadable.
Yeah, saw that. When I try to download it, it says : You haven’t selected an attachment to download or view. I'll tell Heya his program needs fixing
hey guys i deld it too spent points on it... could i get it... Fexxel if you read this can you give me a shout.
Hehe, it works both ways though XD, people see your pic on my profile and think "aghhh it must be Freja, this post is worth reading"
yeah, but when they realize it's you, they'll get dissapointed.. nah, just kidding XDD Ak*: is it the AA you want? I have it if it's that one you're looking for
No Freja .. im looking for the multi account neopointer i bought it with forum cash but could not dl it.... anyways more pictures of Freja around the forum the better lol... even tho the elephant man is in them.