Where are you ?? Stats tell me that you're here everyday, but you're not posting... :nope: Ok, I'm not a good example of a good poster but I was wondering XD
HERROO! Sigh ive been busy I got a job, finals are here. The snow is making life miserable. It snowed ONE DAY, and it pretty much blanketed the whole city, buses were late. Some place that took an hr to get to took 2hrs and a half. Accidents all over...HECTICCCCCCCCCCCCC. I had 45 minutes of shoveling fun the other day. How goes the weather on the farrr East?
We received the same shit as you :lol: 35 freaking centimeters of snow wednesday. But, that means that I'll be able to use the snowblades !! YEAH !!!! Well, I'm glad to see you're still around and good luck with your finals and job.... Oh, and happy shoveling too XD
Hehe. The day that snowed, I went snowboarding with my friends cuz it was all EXCELLENT SNOW. Then.....we got stuck in traffic. You know how you're trying to get to the other side of the city, but traffic's all backed up, but once you're through the area, you have NO IDEA WHY it was so jammed. It took a long time to get to the hill and my friend and I only got a couple of runs cuz we had to get rentals But thanks! I'm still around. I'm actually always on MSN and stuff. I lurk around NF though :maha: Cuz i'm creepy... HAPPY WINTERRRRRRRRRRRRRR kekeke.