So going around neopets is the rumor that neopets is going to add the FSS into the hidden tower... dunno where this got started but can anyone find anything?
unsure but there have been alot of responses that says its confirmed... I myself guessed it as fake but alot of people on the boards told me otherwise =O
Well, FSS was never in the tower originally. And it's been retired for several years now. So I'm going to say that is purely a rumour
It would be a great move to piss off the BDer's that hoard those pretty weapons if they did put it in it would not be the whole item but the separate parts that made up the weapon Timmy's slingshot and the acorns. It would actually be a great idea for the economy if they had the stones to pull it off and they priced the items quite expensively. A truckload of neopoints would leave the economy, prevents the ridiculous inflation of items like G-sword as there is now a threat of TNT un-retiring items. I would be VERY impressed if it happened and would be first in line to get my hands on a FSS such an interesting weapon
It will never happen, If anything they will unretire one of the items and thats it but even that seems stupid after so long it will have been started so the FSS deflates and someone buys it
I would love for it to happen Ive only at max had 15 million neopoints, I dont restock so I go up slowly but if the np market went down it would be a little easier for me to obtain some of these items
I don't think that would fit the pattern of how TNT uses the Hidden Tower. I've always found that they use the Hidden Tower to introduce items, not to deflate them. I think they would be doing things in the wrong order if they took an already existing item and put it into the tower.