Can firefox GM scripts be detected?

Discussion in 'Neopets Chit-Chat' started by ilovevicky, Sep 15, 2009.

  1. ilovevicky

    ilovevicky Level II

    May 26, 2009
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    Do we know for sure? Could it just be that tnt checked your account saw you logging in with IE/diff browser then straight to a page tnt has seen a gm script for?

    Or see's you restocking for like 3 hours + with no breaks inbetween or just see's the account used for restocking...
  2. jazzeh

    jazzeh Level I

    Jan 1, 2008
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    So what's the real question here?

    Certain GM scripts may be detected in the future if TNT decides to look for specific scripts. If a script adds something to the page, gives/changes an elements name or ID or style, it could possibly be detected if TNT adds a script to their page that looks for that specific change.

    TNT isn't currently checking for scripts. Even their shop wizard check that they tried out was flawed.
    It would be easy for them to do but again it would have to look for very specific changes.

    People that have gotten frozen for using a script have been frozen because of other factors. Not because they were using GM but because they were using a program. They don't know if it was a GM Aber or any other ABer. They only know that you purchased 3 unbuyables, restocked for 3 hours without any breaks, and refreshed every 2-5 seconds the whole time.
  3. ilovevicky

    ilovevicky Level II

    May 26, 2009
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    How would they be able to check for specific changes? Like when we use the shop wizard we submit info but only to a search engine if they were to check the whole page for a slight modification it would be time consuming.

    There is also the fact most scripts dont change anything they examine and "do" my point is there may be a way to identify the firefox useragent as IE now since no buyer scripts exist (that i know of) for IE i should be safer and not get iced for that reason but i dont know i'l have to report back in a few week.
  4. WildSnorlax

    WildSnorlax Level IV

    Sep 21, 2008
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    Alberta, Canada
    Depends on what script, and as many others would tell you they are usually VERY undetectable unless you abuse it to the maximum. For example some GM scripts for ABs are designed to look semi legit and more human like, but that doesn't mean you go about restocking at magic shop and stuff for hours.

    Scripts that plays games like dice-a-roo, pyramids, kiss the mortog have a very very tiny chance of being caught, but the flaw in those scripts is that it refreshes after exactly x time interval so it seems pretty robotic and less human like.

    Either way, whatever you use, it's hard to detect unless they're really on your tail from something you've previously been iced for.
  5. jazzeh

    jazzeh Level I

    Jan 1, 2008
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    I use FireFox all the time as it's a better browser, but they can see if you're switching browsers to only do certain tasks. You might be giving yourself away if you do that.

    You can have firefox identify itself as IE but in the end you can always tell it's FF pretending to be IE.

    If you're using an AB then you're changing the page. [edited - don't want to give TNT any ideas]