Re: can you get frozen for using the autobuyer programs here all ab has the chance to get frozen its up to you how you use the ab.. permanently freeze your account? = yes they will.. unless you have a tearful explaination to the TNT team..
yeah you can get banned for using Expon's (I've been banned for using it recently) but it's a slim chance cause I left it on overnight and stuff so if you just run it for a few hours you'll be pretty safe.
Re: can you get frozen for using the autobuyer programs here It's 99.9% impossible to get uniced if the reason is ABing. I have had many friends iced unfairly for abing, and no amount of pestering gets the account unfrozen.
Re: can you get frozen for using the autobuyer programs here well if you've been ABing...then you're blantantly breaking the rules and cheating :roll:
Re: can you get frozen for using the autobuyer programs here I haven't been frozen because of that yet. Only for the NP grabber