Canada's jobless rate drops to 4-year low

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by supracharger, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. supracharger

    supracharger Level II

    Nov 18, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Canadia BC eh?
    Canada produced a surprising 40,000 new jobs in December, built on the back of a larger-than-expected 30,000 uptick in Ontario.

    Statistics Canada reported Friday in its Labour Force Survey that Canada's unemployment rate dropped to 7.1 per cent last month, the lowest level in four years.

    Over the past five months, Canada's economy has added 187,300 new jobs.

    All the December job gains came in full-time work. All in all, 1,400 part-time jobs were lost, but that was offset by 41,200 new full-time jobs.

    The influx of new jobs was enough to push the rate lower, despite an increase in the overall pool of potential workers.

    "I pay a lot of attention to the unemployment rate, and I think it is the single most reliable figure in the labour force report and it did show some real progress at the end of 2012," BMO economist Doug Porter said of the numbers.

    Regional differences
    Speaking at an auto-parts plant in Oakville, Ont., Prime Minister Stephen Harper said he was encouraged by the strong employment showing.

    "We have more Canadians working today than ever before and we are one of the few advanced industrial economies that can say that," Harper said.

    "I'm pleased to see that the economy is continuing to move that way."

    But the rate is still higher than the six to seven per cent range it hovered in before the recession, Capital Economics noted.

    "We doubt this run of good employment figures will last for much longer," said the firm's economist, Paul Ashworth.

    Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island all posted job gains, although Ontario stood out with 33,000 net new jobs, the second straight month that province has posted such a strong showing.

    Nova Scotia, Alberta and New Brunswick lost jobs during the month, while B.C. was basically unchanged.

    By sector, construction was a standout, with 18,000 new jobs.

    "A notable exception to the good news was a loss of jobs in the highest-paid industries," Canadian economist Erin Weir noted. "Employment declined in resource extraction and utilities, the best-paid goods-producing industries, and in professional, scientific and technical services, the best-paid part of the service sector."

    ** Information Resource - cbc
    I hope people don't mind me posting thing's such as this. It's called the
    News and Sports Section an I hardly see anything that has relevance to anything
    that has to do with news, whether it's local or global :p
    Cheers lol
  2. tristen1230

    tristen1230 Level II

    Jul 29, 2010
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    My mom cannot find a job and she has been looking for about a year. Not like she has not finished school or has no experience in what she is applying for. I have no clue where these jobs are.
  3. supracharger

    supracharger Level II

    Nov 18, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Canadia BC eh?
    Oh I know, I live in BC an we have the highest unemployment rate which is at %14.
    I was jobless for 3 months, during Christmas time till Valentine's day... Felt like this
    would be a subject a lot of Canadians can relate to in one way or another.
  4. monkeysbreath

    monkeysbreath Newbie

    Dec 28, 2012
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    40,000 does seem like a nice addition of jobs...unlike the US where we are barely adding enough jobs to keep up with population growth. The unemployment rate, at least in the US (not sure how it works in Canada) is very misleading.
  5. tristen1230

    tristen1230 Level II

    Jul 29, 2010
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    The government have lied before... I would never ever trust Stephen Harper with what happened with the jet incident. He should have been kicked right out. Kinda mad to the votes were split. If everyone who voted for NDP voted for Liberal, Liberals would have won.
  6. vicksuper

    vicksuper Level I

    Jan 24, 2013
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    Toronto's employment rate sucks