There are two most popular economic systems prevailing in this world as mention above. What do you think that which one is most powerful problem solver, which faced world today, specifically on economic ground?
There is the poll of world news is describe the effect of the Capitalism and the Socialism. If the country want the progress in economics side then they choose the Capitalism and if they want to progress by humanity then they choose the Socialism. So basically for the better progress Socialism is the best.
I think they're both a ridiculous waste of time, each system creates inherent problems in all sectors of a socio-economic system, e.g. capitalism- massive income gap, globalisation/monopoly e.g. communism- failed resource management, social/economic impediment. In the words of Julian Marley "Systems were made to rule, systems were made divide and abuse ya. Workin for the system"
You can't have no system. What would you put then in place, if not these 2 developed systems? No matter what system you pick, it will have its fair share of problems. It's getting through those problems, whatever system you pick.
Socialism. I am very active in social politics in Denmark, and I am a member of the Social Democrats Party here. I just don't believe in Capitalism, "every man for himself" - I think it's selfish and in my opinion, I think we should help everybody. I hate to see how America neglects their most vulnerable people and how many poor people living there. I love to live where I live because our system is really working. We do have a liberalistic party leading our country right now, but we still have welfare, so it's not hardcore capitalism. It's alright with me, but I would rather see the Social Democrats Party in charge and I will continue believing that =P I see how people can't imagine a system working with Socialism, but if you pay high taxes it really can go around. And I hate how people won't pay for the poor people, we all should have a worthy life. OKAY, I hate this discussion and especially explaining my views in English. Also because I don't see it as you HAVE to pick Socialism or Capitalism, I am sort of in-between, mostly towards Socialism.
A country obviously cannot function on a system of pure capitalism or pure socialism, so it's just a matter of choosing a suitable combination. My preferences lean towards socialism. For instance, I support government social programs (welfare, public education, some kind of government-funded health insurance, etc.), progressive tax rates, regulation of businesses, etc. And Freja, you're spot on about the States. Even though its welfare programs are not that great, the people in the States are quick to complain about "welfare queens" and freeloaders.
I wonder why all (or most) communist governments have been somewhat autocratic in nature. Can anyone more knowledgeable about history provide an answer?
I agree with you Freja, except in my country it's almost EVERYTHING sold out. It's capitalism and some people here are doing pretty bad. It's ideal to be between both and to mix them well. :yup:
I don't care about doctrines, I just think a government should do what's best for their people. Theyt should ensure health care, education and habitation for everyone, but not through land reform and stuff like that. Maybe raising the taxes according to how much money you earn... although, funnily enough, here in Brazil the more money you have, the more you can find a way to not pay your taxes. Also the disapropriation of lands for the MST (movement of people without a land) only occurs with the oppositors of the government, so it's not really helping poor people, it's just an instrument for the government to use against his "enemies". Today is election day here in Brazil and people will elect a woman without any political experience, just because she's been supported by the current president, Lula, and will continue his assistentialist policy, giving poor people less then $150,00 every month, which isn't enough even for buying food, instead of improving the educational system so they can get a decent job.
In today's day an age definitively capitalism is the most prevalent. I think its more liberal and allows more freedoms.