So I bought an account that I was told was completely legit, bought it yesterday, I come on today to see only one of my accounts + the one that I bought is iced for cheating on flash games, I haven't cheated on a flash game in like....Forever well over 2-3 months, I was wondering what the odds are of me getting my account back at all.
Yeah it was my main that got iced, and the account I bought, that's it. My others are safe...for whatever reason
I think it really depends on whether it was legit or not. And for the 2-3 months for not cheating on flash games doesn't mean you would not get frozen for it. If you have done it on one account it could be that you will get frozen because they were simply just late in investigating. That's how my account got frozen, after 5 months of non cheating on flash games my account went gone. I didn't stood any chance because it was not legit. And they know that So if you were legit, then you would have a slight chance. And if you were illegit and you now you are then your chances are minute.
Kinda mad, I want an explanation from the seller I bought from -_- My friend just went on too and saw someone got her destructo match avatar, and only she knew her password o_o
Yes that account was legit, there has never been a cheat or program used on that account or any account I have, EVER. I am new to this whole thing, I have never used a cheat program, dont know how to use a cheat program and never would use a cheat program, Im too paranoid. Now as I said I have no clue about any of this and perhaps people with some experience would have some input on the matter. I can give you whatever details to the account to assist in getting it back. There was absolutely no reason for it be be frozen when I had it.
Wasn't your fault, I found out the source, I received a payment from lightning, the nps were SSed, and I bought the items via the accounts shop and transferred them to my account. The account lightning used to pay me was iced for "cheating on flash games" so I don't think I'll get my account back even though proxies were used =/
Were you aware that Lightning was selling illegit NP? He doesn't seem like the guy to lie about something like that...
I didn't buy the NPS off of him, he used them as a payment for a product I was selling, a runescape account.