Hey I have a 70 month account...I plan on trying to igloo ABer and run it maybe an hour a day...I dont use any back up accounts or any other hacks...so I have nothing to attract TNT freeze ray except the AB...what should I be worried about?
well the chances of getting frozen by iglooing are quite small... and especially only an hour. you should be safe but you won't pick up many items in an hour... good luck
I'm ABing on two accounts, both of which are over five years old. I Igloo AB from four, generally to eight. However long it takes to get all ten items. Been doing this since... I got enough points on this site to afford the Igloo AB. No freezing yet. Just be smart about it.
100k+, a day. Running a list I got somewhere around here. I'll get 110 or, if I'm lucky and get something really good... who knows. Most items will go for six, seven thousand. It's not uncommon to find stuff for ten or more. Just a matter of what's grabbed, when.
Yeah,do you have a good list you could hook me up with?The one I have now has like 1,250 items and it was default
some of the items are mid-high profits, but its MTS - HTS. become level 2, and you can grab, 15k+ profit list
i dont think you have to be level 2, only level one. i got Zer0's 15k+ list as a level one. it was in the ab list requests in level one chat.
think carefully though, is 100k a day worth losing your 70mnth account If its empty then sure but if u got like 15mil or so on there, its not worth 100k a day
100% meaning, safe or will be ice? lol... no way man, igloo aint safe, not 100% anyway... more like 85% but then again, its up to the ppl on how they abuse it... i even get iced just Iglooing with one account.
it's probably not worth it, as i think a newbie account can pick up the same items as a 70 mth account. so why would you even risk it there? :S
I would create a side account to use the ABer (actually, that's what I'm doing XD) I wouldn't wanna risk my 75 months account or pets Ö . But there's always a chance you get iced.. No one knows /;
yeah :3 I used an autobuyer one time a looong time ago and I made ... ALOT of nps XD And I dont think I would mind getting a side account iced when you think of all the nps you get. I'm so glad I found this forum, I've been searching for an ABer for ages XD