A 31 book list : Learn Social Skills Neopian Times Issue 3 Mystery Of The Kougra Paw Breathe The End of the Tunnel Playing with Fire Sakhmet Natives Sakhmet Tales Eye-Sha Advanced Papyrus Making Cartography For Beginners Keeping The Peace Learned Royalty Brightvale Maps King Hagan Brightvale Castle Back In Peaceful Times 105 Lava Cake Recipes Kreludan Recipes Victory Is Ours The Threat Outside The Kreludan Flag Defend Yourself Constellation Spotting Galactic Adventures Attack On Kreludor Kreludan Bed Time Stories Kreludan Facts Kreludan Cookie Book Moon Missions Moon Rock Formations
jubjubs day pazo the lonely aisha kiko care the big blue blumaroo book nimmo winter tales how to make a pteri plush doll jubjub manual classic moehog tales faerie folk neohomes and gardens a kau summer bruce snowball strategies island cybunny guide brightvale guide to stained glass windows snow days bubble sculptures book of origami paper the plushie coffee table book counting babaas top tuskaninnys guide to lupes wonderful world of gardening my garden book the big book of karma the end of the tunnel neopian encyclopedia f - j training your moehog feed koi koi tales big foot the jubjub quiggle stunt book how to make papyrus dance away the legand of count von roo shoyru surprise im not angry kiko - fu kiko care fun with flotsams scary peophin tales gelert on treasure island the chomby fight the angry chomby the mighty blumaroo drawing kiko bad apples the meercas bad day sick kyrii home surgery for jetsams korbat halloween ghost sotries fashion for krawks koi beauty tips the last kau breakfast treats spooky food ideas korbat calculas lucky stars gelert dental care the lupe pack baby moehogs gelert paw reading nimo combat guide the tricky ixi whinny meadows scary sloth stories famous tonu ghosts mystery island guide a kau summer spooky kau story simple spells hissi alphabet halloween ruki tales spooky buzz tales gnorbu mane care not-so-disguting dung uses the yooyu haunted woods reader green quitling made easy neogarden nimmo quality time neopian lakes digging for knowledge hope this helps
Well hey, what do you know. I'll update the guide then, and I've found another: neopets-information-f82/cheap-book-list-t24931.html Will's one looks pretty extensive
I really should start using the search function for the forum again Thanks for the help guys. Now to go off and buy 400 some odd books by hand YAY!! >_-