What is the general ban info for using CheatEngine and the speedhacker on games? It's useful for making games slower that use speed.
Rather small I think, because it makes your games slower which also means the time you take to play the game is also longer, which is a good thing imo. I used to use cheatengine to get avvies. Just don't go way over the high score and you'll be fine.
hehe i used my old computer ( 15 years old ) and it lagged darigan dodgeball game real good =p i could score over 2 times more then highscore but i dont want to get banned cause it will be suspicious tho im not sure if u can get banned for slow comps so all i did was loose on purpose and got 3rd place on top so i can get gold trophy still legitly and look awesome Go old COMPS!!!!
DO NOT USE THEM I JUST GOT FROZEN FROM USING IT This account has been FROZEN for the following reason: This account was found to be cheating on the flash games. If you think the above reason was applied to you by mistake, please contact our support staff by clicking here. Don't forget to include your USERNAME and explain why you think your account should not have been frozen. If you DID break the rules, please do not contact us again. Your account will NOT be unfrozen and you will not get your Neopet or items returned. But, you are welcome to create a new account, as long as you follow the rules. Remember to read our Terms and Conditions thoroughly.