I was under the impression if you used a score sender and you input a reasonable score and a long enough wait time, it wouldn't really be detectable. So how does TNT detect you're cheating? I assumed that the only way to get caught 'cheating on the flash games' i.e. using a score sender, was if you were sending too high scores too fast and they got reviewed, but I just got chain iced, my main, my side, and my friend even got frozen because she's logged in from my house.. which she's very unhappy about.. Oh yea.. I just tried to log into an account I created several days ago and had never even logged into other than creating it, and it is also frozen for the same reason. How could you cheat on an account that hasn't even been logged into?!? Stupid TNT and their lazy asses.
it doesn't matter if you've never logged into the account, they just freeze everything that has activity on it from your IP address. i'm guessing you've never cheated on your friend's account either, that still got frozen
Same thing happened to me. I guess they see your playing so many games and sending the same scores over and over. I'm not really sure but I feel your pain, I lost every account I had.
That's pretty messed up, and they wont even listen to you when you tell them you weren't cheating. They wont even look into my friends account, they just emailed her back telling here basically, 'You were frozen for cheating, we will not give your account back.'
Well of course they will. In their eyes all accounts on the same IP are the same person. You cheated, you get iced. Its just unlucky you seem to have a static IP so a lot of accounts got iced. Personally, if you didn't want your friend's account frozen you shouldn't have let her log in.
It didn't really occur to me to stop her when she hopped onto my computer. The thing is that I'm tapped into a neighbors IP, and it's an apartment complex, so lord knows how many people are using it. TNT could be freezing random people for nothing for all I know. :nope:
i had this happen to me also... my main was not involved in any way shape or from of cheating but they iced it because they said i was cheating on flash games. which i didnt on this account.
to save their time they won't even bother and freeze everything of yours through your ip and any other things related to your ip!
i dont know a whole lot about programing but im going to use Meerca chase as an example.. ive made a game like this when i used to program, and it was something *note this is nothing like the program lang used but this should be able to show my point* X=score IF: grab yellow negg THEN: X=X+8 and with game senders it add the score all at one time so its just one big THEN: +700 or SET:X=700 so tnt sees it knows u didn't get it in one negg so oh they cheated. now the lvl of programing i know isnt that of tnt or most ppl on this site but if they do it that way its very easy to see if you cheat or not
I think what you are referring to is variable changing. Scoresending is emulating the data sent to the server when you send your score. Variable changing is actually going into memory and changing the variable values.
but don't the flash games keep a log of what happened in the game? it comes up sending results or something to that nature. its not to hard to get it to send a notpad results page...? *again if a sound like a total programing noob again im sorry*
It may, it's possible. But, using your example, look at it this way. At the end, the program looks at the list and says... he did this, this, that, this... earned 2000 points. The program then sends to Neopets, "He earned 2000 points, give him the NPs for that score." Score sender does this: "Oh, you want me to tell them you earned 2000 points? Okay." It does it, it says "He earned 2000 points, give him the NPs for that score." Same thing, just less work for you.
I don't think you really can "master" that tool. I guess figuring out how many ms make a full second, and which games get 1000NP without being reviewed could count as perfection.
Well, yeah it's a pity your friend got frozen there But it's hard to master the score sender, anything suspicious at all will be reviewed by TNT and possibly end up in an icing.
Would anyone say that there is any game that should take longer than 10minutes to play?? I have approximately 75 games on a list with wait times I am pretty sure wont be reviewed.. I tested the list once and went through and took off all the games that got sent for review even with a score just high enough to get the 1k and a fairly long wait time 6 - 7 min or more. I was considering just putting 10min as a wait time on all games on my list, just to be sure it doesn't need to be reviewed.. or do you think that would be suspicious in and of itself? Thoughts on that are greatly appreciated.
The trick is.. how do you know what's reasonable without playing every game yourself? Ah well.. I'm conducting and experiment this weekend involving several 'shell' accounts, the score sender, and self freezing in hopes of finding new ways to screw over TNT. Seeing as how my 'main' got iced twice in the last month, I don't really care about losing anything anymore. Since TNT iced my legit account several years ago (the only account I had ever had, and never cheated on) I've never really taking neopets seriously after that. I'm still trying to find ways to beat the system and get back everything I lost that I worked so hard for legitimately for years.