This is a pretty neat Restocking Simulation on thedailyneopets. Link: ... -practice/ Post your best RSes This is my best so far:
haha and this is why i fail XD Jerry says 'I accept your offer of 2525 Neopoints!' Congrats! You got the item in about 5 seconds! Click on Jerry to do it again! You received a rating of: 4 stars!
Jerry says 'I accept your offer of 45445 Neopoints!' Congrats! You got the item in about 4 seconds! Click on Jerry to do it again! You received a rating of: 4 stars! eww this is why we have ABers
Hahaha fun but I totally sucked at it. Kept getting the "go for a more profitable item" then when I finally clicked something good I only got 3 stars.
Wow, it always takes me at least 4 seconds. (Is their timer accurate? It only feels like 1 milisecond ). No wonder I can never get anything good.
I am pretty bad at restocking. And my slow ping does'nt help either.. Only 3 stars for me.. I am better off with ABer's!!
clicking on jerry is fast but the items won't update.. lol i average 2 stars !!! haha thank NF for ABers !! lol
Jerry says 'I accept your offer of 4343 Neopoints!' Congrats! You got the item in about 5 seconds! Click on Jerry to do it again! You received a rating of: 4 stars! I fail. XD -has never tried legit restocking-
Nice work everyone I found that using the NUM pad was much faster for me. And just so you guys know, I think your timer begins when you click on the item.
Jerry says 'I accept your offer of 21212 Neopoints!' Congrats! You got the item in about 4 seconds! Click on Jerry to do it again! You received a rating of: 4 stars! Hahaha, that was fun.
I should really but that $25 autobuyer soon. Slow internet kills me... -.- 16 F-ING SECONDS... GOD. 1 star.
This sim kinda stinks. If anyone's ever heard of, it's a mainly-private site with old neoplayers, you can't access it any more without an invite. They have all sorts of useful neopets tools. Shop history manager, wishlists. If I remember correctly, about 5 years ago, they had an amazing Rs simulator. It made the pages look actually LIKE the neopets pages, and not have you use the crappy interface that this one has. I'm pretty sure there were highscore tables too for fastest buys.
That sounds awesome, it's too bad they made it private though, I would have loved to have a go at the sim. Are you a member?
Jerry says 'I accept your offer of 13860 Neopoints!' Congrats! You got the item in about 8 seconds! Click on Jerry to do it again! You received a rating of: 3 stars! Oh boy.... XD That was my best score ahaa