Most disturbing... It seems like these milk companies have not learned their lesson, even after the Sanlu milk scandal in 2008. (Avoid milk products if you go to China!)
From wikipedia.... "Melamine is sometimes illegally added to food products in order to increase the apparent protein content. Standard tests such as the Kjeldahl and Dumas tests estimate protein levels by measuring the nitrogen content, so they can be misled by adding nitrogen-rich compounds such as melamine."
Someone told me that the milk sold in China tastes weird. Must be the hormones and other additives. <_<
Maybe it is just me, but I find that milk in Hong Kong tastes the best, compared to places like Canada, USA, London, Paris, and Greece. Only Japanese milk stands to be maybe as good, but I find the teste to be tasty in some other sort of way that can't really be drunk everyday... Yeah, I like milk.
stupid just stupid. If it happens once then how can they be so stupid to continue produce milk with the same shitty contents?! Those who continue putting that illegal stuff sure are dumb too.