would anyone like to make a clan??? pvp sort or just doning any odd thing be for both members and non members dont matter bout stats just to greet up and have a laugh we could aslo supply each other with atuff we need for example i make 1k steel bars a day if people need any to help smithing(or we can set up a clan shop were we can put items on disscount) anyone think this would be a good idea
it might be a good idea but only for the weaker members (me) as the stronger members would just be giving free stuff away and not getting anything in return apart form plus rep on this forum
lol... +rep... cool.. i could give out something or donate some gp for +rep as well lolxXxX contact me too!
but i quited rs... cuz it lags me alot... guess i cant go "hang out" with yall in there =X will be lagged dead XD
i used to be in a clan.. dragonwood, then moved to rune raiders.. think they might have both shutdown by now.. anyways ive tried starting my own clan numerous times and never suceeded =\
I started my own clan.. Men in Black ...Armor lol we just walked around wearing black armor and talked crap about people. lol There were so many of us everyone just ran away if we picked on them.