Classification of scammers/cheaters

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by FastBullet, Feb 25, 2007.

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  1. FastBullet

    FastBullet Level IV

    Feb 7, 2007
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    Class E Scammer = uses persuasion and tries to get the passwords of neopets account by telling them his email and fake promises of wealth and riches

    Class D Scammer = more dangerous than the E class this kind of person may try to use fake login pages and not-so-complicated tricks to get the password ...also spams on the trades by developing some sort of self-replicating spam like "put this in 10 trades and you will get a baby paintbrush" which obviously is for loosers who wants to waste their time

    Class C Scammer = This type of person uses more than 3 tricks to get the passwords (like the cookie grabber) and is a relative calm person which *ALMOST* always has the situation under control...he may also be patient and sort of a spy-like nature trying to develop to the next class (B)

    Class B Scammer = Class B Scammers evolve from Class C and the factor of evolution may be greed or even the enviroment which the person learned the arts of scamming. This is the most unstable and unpredictable class but also he uses the most unpractical methods to fulfull his intentions. This type of scammer is daily frozen or Ip banned and few of them reach the ultimate class.

    Class A Scammer = They are the most dangerous type and fortunately they are the rarest...the chance of getting scammed by one is 1:10 and almost never gets caught/ip banned :twisted: . He may also be a cheater and have a lot of trophies and obviously more ips :p Nothing else is knew about this type.

    Now with the Cheaters type

    Class C Cheater = It's a person that started to see that cheating is the best way of getting trophies and neopoints...unfortunately 90% are caught and get back to playing games legitly. also a cheater can be a former scammer or a class C/B/A scammer which discovered in their view 'The Power'.

    Class B Cheater = Same as Class C but more advanced in his procedure :p He may have 1 to 5 trophies either by luck either by skill which depends on the person. Some of class B cheaters remain in their class for a time, while other influenced by greed and lust for trophies try to get to the next class but many of them fail (70%) and get frozen or banned.

    Class A Cheater = There may be only 10 to 30 people in this class on neopets, has more than 10 trophies and discovers new ways to improve themselves. They are so rare than many of us don't think they exist but eventually even them can get frozen or banned for their's just a matter of time.

    Thanks for having the patience of reading this. Hope we will use it someday :lol: :lol: :lol: . Now i must ask this question...Which cheater are you? :lol: :lol: :lol:
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