Well, two more mains down the tubes I am close to giving up with abing and neopets alltogether. I have tried almost every method of transferring in the "transfer like a pro" guide and each account always gets found out and frozen for some bs excuse or another. I had made about 3 mil this weekend and transferred it using the shop method for UB's at 100-1000 np each and bought with the mains. Then poof, frozen for "scamming". The stupid thing is that most of my ab accounts are still good, and the ones that did get froze that I didnt self ice were iced also for "scamming". Im at my wits end. Any pity/encouragement/advice/etc is much welcomed. Thanks.
Can you pm it to me too ? xD ... Continu to abing ! And give item to anyone ? Friend, daily giveaway here ?...xD
I'm really curious (knock on wood) I've never been frozen and I don't use proxies or anything while still pulling some pretty awesome profits (this weekend I did more than 3 mill profit ) I originally used Ricky's GM ABer and still do, but use AU now as well. Is it just that TNT is harder on American's and Uber fast internet? I generally let the accounts sit for ages and ages though and just transfer something big once.. I don't really mind not having it on my main cause how much neopoints can you possibly use?.. I buy investments BD items and avvie stuff on sides and do some 'loans' and disproportionate trades occasionally and it kind of works out in the end. Is it just that TNT really likes New Zealanders or am I accidentally doing something right?
that makes 2 of us then tnt froze my account for the protection of myself lol if i wanted protecting i tell them right
Hey, actually, I got my account back by submitting a form for the "scamming" claim. I really didn't scam anybody, and they can't prove it :O Don't give up, just get more experienced with cheating, get some practice, you'll get the hang of it. Lol, when I first started cheating, I was 100% n00b XD
Lol, you got that right. They can easily see it, and be like oh.. that's weird, wonder how he got that. Then they'll do a mini investigation and most likely freeze the user.
Yeah I did use different IPs. I was online on both accounts for awhile too. Maybe they are prejudice against Americans who make a ton of NP during the middle of the night. Some of us might have to work days! I just do it because theres less people on.
Well, I've been autoing for 2 years, the only time I got frozen was for cheating in games. Other then that, I'm doing alright. Probably because I'm Canadian eh?
^ Ah so we are Canadian buddies eh? So I spent pretty much 15min going through my old posts/topics and I finally found what I really wanted to show you: spam-corner-f35/someone-bring-back-my-motivation-haha-t21380.html When I lost this really good main that I really liked and worked so hard on, I was SO devastated when I lost it, but with the people here I guess they helped me get better, and I reduced my cheating and spaced it out, maybe the key here is just slow profits instead of mills every weekend. It took a long time to start a new main, and my happy main is currently 10 months old and i'm happy I made that accomplishment. It's not impossible to get TNT off your tail, but you just need to take profits slow and steady {like a few hundred thousand a week is the best} because with the amount you're making now, it doesn't matter how safe you are, TNT will catch on; There are so many ways they do things that us users don't know about. But my point of showing you my thread is? I hope you don't give up really It's sad and upsetting sometimes, especially for people like me and you who ends up getting emotionally attached to your main and everything you've accomplished but we are cheaters after all. Give it one last go, do things even MORE carefully.
Canadians Eh *points to location hehe* Seems like my paranoia comes in handy ... im taking my Abing slow and steady lol. I havnt been iced... yet *knocks on wood* but boy am i scared since im ABing on my 7 almosy 8 yr old main lol. TnT has just been up everyones a$$ laitly. Neo's really gone down hill since donna and Adam left *wipes tear* Dont give up, youll get the hang of it. Member slow and steady wins the race haha and CoS, you best be sharing that secret with me too .. haha XD PLEASE!!!! hehehe
With the use of proxy's maybe someone was using the same proxy you were but they were scamming/cracking and got IP banned could be coincidence could be something more simple but i'd guess at that because 3 mil on a weekend is nothing compared to what some of us make
I already have given up! XD (For the time being, of course) Neopets has been freezing me for basically nothing and things I haven't/didn't do.
I gave up neopets like a LONG time ago... because EVERY account that I would make would be iced... I had a 6 year main iced for no reason!
I have been in your position several times. And I think sometimes its actually a blessing.. last time I got frozen I stopped neopets altogether and had so much more fun hanging out with friends & going out. Now I'm back but its an occasional thing, the key is to take it slow, do the abing once or twice a week and in small amounts. Its hard to get frozen then.
I think the previous poster is right. Being on Neopets less can be more fun and more profitable as well. I just lost another main too. I'm feeling a little down as well, but I'm still determined to get it right.
weird...i never get frozen for ABing...but mostly cuz people hack my accounts...guess that means i'm kinda dumb... also: "Users browsing this forum: Dark, hob246, Tofurky and 0 guests"