I'm trying to convince my friend that I'm a cheater, so I'm giving a screenie, but I need someone to come into AU chat and say 'hi' to him for me +rep'ing! Edit - Please remove your shoes as a sign of respect. Welcome to Ang's house, she resides here!
I'm trying to convince my friend that I'm a cheater, so I'm giving a screenie, but I need someone to come into AU chat and say 'hi' to him for me +rep'ing! ^yes, really, and he won't click my link of proof until tomorrow =P he thinks it's an April Fool's joke^ Edit - Please remove your shoes as a sign of respect. Welcome to Ang's house, she resides here! ^yes, really, it's true!^ You better turn this thread into something useful. This is MY house. ^yes, really, it's true!^ OMG that line just make me literally LOL XD ^yes, really, Loco is a jovial person^ and you can put your avvie/siggy back now!