thanks to Arkley, _billie_star_, Chris..., and jason95_coolboy suggestions on my previous post. after trying out wheel of misfortune, I beat Meuka and Brain tree.... But now I'm stuck again on finding Commander Garoo, is there other ways beside refreshing the Virtupets Space Station page??
Nope the only way to get him is to refresh at the Space Station, it shouldnt be too hard though. Pateince does it!
Only a few clicks It's not that hard compared to the snow beasts, which take (for some people) a few weeks or maybe a month or so. Commander Garoo does not take long, well it shouldn't Have you tried checking if you already obtained him?
You have to refresh in the snowy valley-advent calender OR terror mountain-cliffhanger to obtain him (the winter random event). However, because there are other different random events, he can be quite hard to get unless you are very lucky. As I said before, patience does it
It took me 6 days of spending easily 3-4 hours of refreshing a day to get Garoo... but when I did I also got a RE for a Basic Golden Nerkmid =D =D That made my day :lol:
I was thinking about doing that, but I'm really proud of my main, been around for over 7 years, and I don't want it to get frozen. I like the idea of all the programs, but I'm too scared to actually use them for fear of losing everything: my malling shop, my painted pets, my avvies.
general-chit-chat-f6/rider-s-avatar-grabber-refresher-daily-doer-t24274.html ^ Use my auto-refresher.