Complete List of Flash Game Cheats Most are single use per game, unless stated otherwise! �Advert Attack♣ ~nopopups (Clears pop-ups on screen) ♣Attack of the Gummy Dice� ~delightful (Changes the die into a morphing dice) ~explode (Changes the die into a bomb) ~gummydice (Changes the die into a random color dice) �Attack of the Revenge♣ ~blackpawkeet (+1 Life when used on Level 3+) ♣Attack of the Slorgs� ~marrow (+1 Life) ~chargex4 (Recharge your Laser) �Bouncy Supreme♣ ~bouncebouncebounce (+1 Life) ~laser (Turns the radar off, type "r" to turn back on) ♣Bruno's Backwoods Breakaway� ~lookoutbruno (+1 Life) ~monstermovie (Different game views) �Buzzer Game♣ ~salamander (Skip Level) ♣Carnival of Terror� ~custard (Refills your time bar) ~piecrust (Full ammo) �Castle Battles♣ ~supercannonball (Super Cannonball) ♣Castle of Eliv Thade� ~rehaxtint (Extra Hint) �Chia Bomber 2♣ ~geoffrey (+1 Life) ♣Crisis Courier� ~kingaltador (+1 Life) ♣Deck Swabber♣ ~vitaminc (You get full health) ♣Destruct-o-Matic 3� ~destroyboulders (Destroys all blocks of a random color) ~boohooiwanttheoldgameback (Play Destruct-o-Matic 1) �Dice Escape♣ ~helpmeplease (Timer = :59) ~moretimeruki (Timer = :59) ~topdown (View board from the top view) ~flybywire (Tiles appear as wire frames) ♣Dubloon Disaster� ~scallywags (Instant whirlpool) �Escape from Meridell Castle♣ ~valrigard (Resets the clock) ♣Escape to Kreludor� ~empulse (One square wide shockwave) ♣Extreme Herder♣ ~freeze (Balthazar freezes) ♣Faerie Bubbles� ~bubbles/faeriebubbles (all bubbles the same color, both codes do the same thing) ~faerieland (Changes next bubble to a Rainbow Bubble) ~nobubbles (Next bubble a Dark Faerie bubble) ~slumberberry (Grey bar back to the top) ~stardust (Changes next bubble to a Nova bubble) �Faerie Caves II - Fyora's Quest♣ ~quaglor (Skip a level) ♣Faerie Cloud Racer� ~snowfaerie (All obstacles will disappear for the first round) �Flycatcher♣ ~deliciousflies (+1 Life) ♣Frumball� ~frumball (+1 Life) ~kougra (Skip the current level, but point reset) �Gourmet Club Bowls♣ ~shepherd (Doubles score) ~superbowl (Skip a level, multi-use) ♣Grand Theft Ummagine� ~ummaginethief (Skip a level, multi-use) �Gwyl's Great Escape♣ ~gwylsgreatestescapeever (Type on "Continue Game" screen to play a extra level) ♣Hannah and the Pirate Caves� ~tellaport (Restart level) �Hasee Bounce♣ ~doughnutfruit (Time resets) ♣Ice Cream Machine� ~strawberryvanillachocolate (+1 Life) �*gloo Garage Sale - The Game♣ ~frozensnowflake (Drop 7 items) ♣Itchy Invasion� ~pest (Fills Pet-B-Gone bar to full) �Jelly Blobs of Doom♣ ~marissa (Will either make more little blobs or x2 score) ~fishnegg (Fish negg will appear, but will disappear after 5 seconds) ~rainbownegg (Rainbow Negg will appear, but will disappear after 5 seconds) ♣Jolly Jugglers� ~The Drackonack's Eye (Click on it to play the secret Drackonack Attack level) �Kiko Match II♣ ~ineedmoretime (+15 seconds) ♣Korbat's Lab� ~spiderbite (+1 Life) �Meepit Juice Break♣ ~hungrymeepits (+1 life) ♣Kou-Jong� ~cyodrake (hint) �Kreludan Mining Corp.♣ ~kreludor (+1 Life) ♣MAGAX: Destroyer II� ~xagam (Full health) �Maths Nightmare♣ ~letimiyasleep (Time Bonus) ♣Meriball� ~kougra (Skip level, but score resets) �Meepit Juice Break♣ ~juice-o-matic (Resets all meepit's timer) ~hungrymeepits/meepits (+1 Life) ♣Meerca Chase 2� ~superextrahypergravitymode (New Mode, type when at mode select) ~ferociousneggsareontheloose (New Mode, type when at mode select) �Moon Rock Rampage♣ ~superlaser (Doubles laser range, once per level) ~novisitors (+30 seconds) ~rampage (+1 Life) ♣Mootix Drop� To enter "Cheat mode" press up, down, right, left on the main screen! ~Babaa, Mootix, Spyder (Creates giant Mootix) ~Babaa, Target, Spyder (Creates a heavy Mootix, +5 points) ~Target, Mootix, Spyder (Creates an invisible Mootix, +5 points) ~Mootix, Target, Mootix (Creates small Mootix) ~Target, Target, Spyder (Starts in the Secret Spyder level and you gain 8 points) ~Spyder, Target, Target (Starts in the Secret Spyder level and you gain 8888 points) ~Spyder, Target, Mootix (Creates a super-speedy Mootix) ~Mootix, Target, Babaa (Turns screen upside-down and you gain 10 points ) �Mynci Beach Volleyball♣ ~dirigibles (Blimp floats across the screen) ~turdle (Turdle appears on your opponents side of the net) ♣Neverending Boss Battle� ~foreverandeverandever (+1 Life) �Raiders of Maraqua♣ ~1morekarpohplease (+1 Life) ♣Scourge of the Lab Jellies� ~boomshaketheroom (Extra bombs after next move) �Snowball Fight♣ ~snowghettiandmeatball (+10 snowballs) ♣Snowmuncher� ~buuuurrrrrrrrp (Decrease bloat bar by 50%) �Sophie's Stew♣ ~hungrymeowclops (+1 Life) ♣Spell or Starve� ~channyhungry (+30 seconds) �Stowaway Sting♣ ~scrap (Full health) ♣Sutek's Tomb� ~plzsutekcanihavemoretime/scarabeus (+30 seconds to timer, both will do same thing) ~pyramibread (Give you a Hint, can be used more than once) ~scarabaeus (+30 seconds) �The Buzzer Game♣ ~salamander (Skips level) ~Right click and left click (Changes cursor to an arrow if done correctly after the timer starts) ♣The Castle of Eliv Thade� ~rehaxtint (+hint) �The Great Qasalan Caper♣ ~caperiffic (+time bonus) ♣The Last Smiley� ~0 (Skips level) ~catfish (+ Life) �The Return of the Return of Dr.Sloth♣ ~drfranksloth (Life) ♣The Usul Suspects� ~lumiwatergun (+ Life) �Tug-o-War♣ ~lrslsts (Choose Theibos, and enter password) ~sltltsr (Choose Khadir, and enter password) ~sslrtrl (Choose Ramset, and enter password) ~lrlrss (Choose Horak, and enter password) ♣Ultimate Bullseye� ~catapult (+Random bonus item) �Warf Rescue Team ♣ ~trappedkadoaties (+1 Life) ♣Whack-a-Staff Member� ~a5paragu5 (Bigger mallet) �Wicked Wocky Wobble♣ ~wocky (Buzz will drop down and temporarily freeze your stack) ♣Volcano Run 2� ~glubgar (+1 Life) �Zurroball♣ ~"N" on the Grundo's suit (Click it to use the Grundo as the ball) -This also has been posted on txxnxxpxxxx by Mikie, which is also me. Mods/admins pm me to prove to you that fact if you wish.
I tried using the 'destroyboulders' on Destruct-o-Match 3 several times with no avail. And I know I'm not that bad at typing The cheat might've been either removed or changed. Anyway thanks for listing these!
I tried using the 'destroyboulders' on Destruct-o-Match 3 several times with no avail. And I know I'm not that bad at typing The cheat might've been either removed or changed. Anyway thanks for listing these! --------------- Only worked for previoes two versions.