I get this error in create an account This site requires that you have cookies enabled. Please be sure cookies are enabled in your browser, and that cookies are enabled for this site and then click here. If the problem persists, try deleting all of your cookies and starting again. Learn how to enable cookies BUT i can still log in. So what is my problem
When that happened to me it was always my firewall, I had Norton. I didn't know hwo to fix it i tried everything for ages, and the only thing that worked was disabling it.
lol, that's not really a fix, that's just an alternative Right click on the IE icon and click properties. Go to the securities tab. Click on Trusted Sites. Click Sites. Add 'http://*neopets.com' without the quotes. Then click on the Privacy tab. Click Sites... Type in 'neopets.com' without the quotes and click Allow. Hit OK. Hit Apply. And it'll *hopefully* work