Aftering being iced again (this makes it like, 8 times), i must be doing something obviously wrong.. I've had two chain icings, each taking 2-3 accounts with it, and i was frozen yesterday on my main, but my two sides were left alone (for now). I am SSing (i ssed on my main, im thinking this is no longer ideal) using this list: level-i-private-chat-f29/ss-list-150k-no-review-t31900.html (sorry, its a level 1+ link for those who arent level 1 yet) I would run my accounts at once, my main was on my normal IP and the other two were on a proxy (perhaps thats why they were left alone?) Although i have logged into them on my normal IP before.. For transferring methods, i was putting items in my shop up for 99k and buying them- Im also thinking this isnt the best method to use. Please, feel free to pick apart what im doing and tell me how to do it right. I've certainly been looking at other posts, and trying to follow them as best as i can, but apparently im still doing something wrong Im planning on playing only on proxies now btw, im wondering if they are stalking my IP XD Do i need to find a permanent IP proxy or is it okay to switch them up? The ones i pick never seem to work on a daily basis.... P.S. If you think you are good enough to fine tune me, I am willing to pay. Fair is Fair.
Alright. A couple of notes, since I once decided to SS about 20mil (it was the whole April-send-8-scores-a-day thing), partially to see how far I could go before TNT froze me, and to do some testing. DO NOT SS on your main. That goes without saying. And actually, avoid cheating on your main as much as possible. Try to keep your cheating account(s) and whatever account(s) you actually care about completely separate (yes, you're trying to get some NPs for yourself, transfer methods shortly); they'll chain ice with guilty by association as justification. A note on Tharoux's list in particular - I hope you removed the set of scores (for Crisis Courier, if I remember correctly) that are review? Other reviews might've changed over time as well; TNT changes things up every once in a while. Proxies - watch out for those. I don't know enough about networking (I do computer science, not IT =P) to understand how, but TNT's been monitoring proxies for a while now. For example, when I got around the bday locking on some really old legit shells of mine, I'd log onto them with proxies to raise some BD pets from my home IP, which I'd been cheating on. When I was chain-iced that time around, those accounts (which had never touched my home IP) were frozen as well. To be honest, do any of your neighbors have unsecured internet you could use for alternate IP purposes? =P (Though that's probably illegal...correct me if I'm wrong?) Transferring methods - theoretically, using the shop method (and I'm not sure if this is a myth or not, but don't use straight 99999 NP items. Change it up with some random numbers; it takes longer but *might* [?] be safer), and wiping your sales history, you should be OK. With a server that size they should be wiped, but if they wanted TNT could probably look into it. Avoid the trading post as much as you can, and never use the auctions (everyone can see that). My favorite (and sneakiest ;D) method of transferring NPs is to buy a legit, high-end but relatively ETS petpet [meepits ftw ;D, or kadoaties], attach it to a VBN (very badly named) basic pet from the pound, then go catch the pet on another account, take off the petpet, repound the pet, and sell the petpet. Whoo, pretty much untraceable, and pretty safe as well. (Who would randomly adopt such a BN pet?) And as far as changing up proxies goes, well, from TNT's perspective, why is that account continually being accessed by IPs all over the place? You should probably try to find a permanent proxy if at all possible, but again, my knowledge of proxies is fairly limited; just the guide here on NF and what I've gleaned from reading topics over the last year or so.
+rep for you, thanks so much for a very detailed answer. I really like the idea of buying a petpet and attaching it to a pet and transferring it that way.. To me that seems almost fool-proof, as long as TNT doesnt drop in on the SSing accounts and ice where the pet went :/ I dont know very much about proxies either, i'll have to check into finding a good one to stick on for cheating purposes
Just be careful, and don't use a program for the adopting. (After all, back in summer a user here managed to snag a fairly high-end BD pet, with a non-zapped Krawk petpet attached, but it was through an auto-adopter and he got iced extremely quickly.) Make it seem like you're a legit pound surfer, of the sort that looks up pets before adoption. ;D
Anfan's right. Since I posted this list, I'm pretty sure some game ratio changed and might kick some alarm.
>.O I'll keep that in mind, I want to try and make my own list *panic button* Also, why does it seem that a proxy i choose is either dead, slow, or craps out randomly? I ha one that worked fabulously yesterday and today its saying the "proxy server is refusing connections" o________O I want a proxy just to play my main account on, not to cheat with >.O
neopets-guides-f22/how-to-make-a-safe-ss-list-t31938.html?hilit=list ^^ Junior made a really good guide about how to make your own SS list. You should check it out if you're interested in making your own
+reppppp heather How often do you reckon I should re-do the list, for the ratios? Once a month? less often/ more often? >.O So daunting, but probably so worth it. Still wondering about the proxies if anyone can help there, + rep waiting for you..