Cultural Values seperate or one Universal culture

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by kittymeow, Aug 14, 2007.

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  1. kittymeow

    kittymeow Level II

    Jul 17, 2007
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    So you have the views and beliefs that have been passed on throughout your family for many generations. Your entire country is the same way but for whatever reason you leave and are to remain in a foreign place. The people look nothing like you and as you act as you have always known and you are ridiculed (sp).A question I would like to propose is whether or not countries are getting to know others views and are informing others so as not to cause any conflict? Like in school,or is cultural values really useful outside your culture. Should there be just one universal belief and forget about indiviual cultures? I would have to say no. Pro universal culture-common ways that people will follow and less drama/Con universal culture-people should not become drones and shold have the freedom to believe what they choose. Various pro and con but which is better?
  2. punkeydew

    punkeydew Level IV

    Feb 28, 2007
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    The way I see it is... It's their country... They should not HAVE to do their own research and get used to our beliefs. Plus even though for example if you are american... not all americans have the same beliefs and habits. It would be near impossible for another country to figure out what the heck everyone in america is doing... and get used to it.

    For me... that is part of the fun of being in another country. I lived in Sicily for 5 years. Sure I had american habits that pointed me out as an american. But I found that I enjoyed finding the differences between our beliefs and I enjoyed learning the way things are done there as opposed to america.

    Not everyone will ridicule you... In my own personal experience there were alot of people that I grew close to in italy... even though we hardly spoke the same language. (i knew rough italian and a few mainly the younge people knew rough english) But these people were patient and also curious about my american way of life and why we do things so differently.
  3. noncheatercheater

    Jun 3, 2007
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    I agree with punkeydew..

    I just think that countries, even ours, should be open arms to others coming in and visiting..

    But also, I think it depends on who's visiting who..

    Right now, a lot of the world doesn't like the U.S. so if a citizen was to visit another country, they may be ridiculed because of what Bush is doing, not because the person's beliefs are different or wrong or whatever..
  4. kittymeow

    kittymeow Level II

    Jul 17, 2007
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    Just to clarify. The people are not being ridiculed BECAUSE of their cultural beliefs but because of the way they behave because of their cultural beliefs.
    Ex. Many African and Asian countries do not use deodorant and are usually ridiculed because of this.
  5. Virre

    Virre Level IV

    Nov 30, 2006
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    I enjoy learning about different people's values, no matter if they're from the same country/culture or a different one.
    I think we have much to learn from each other and differences are mainly good.
    I wouldn't like to see one 'universal culture', although I would like to see one 'universal government' with ministers and politicians from every country in it, going together to divide the economy fair.
    That's my two cents. :)
  6. Zapno

    Zapno Level II

    Nov 16, 2006
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    My opinion is that it doesn't matter. Whatever things end up being, things will end up being. There's no definite reason for anything (at least one that we humans know). People are going to live the way they want until there are no humans left, deal with it.
  7. kittymeow

    kittymeow Level II

    Jul 17, 2007
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    Could you type more clearly without emotions. There has been no indication of seperate cultural views being a "bad" thing. You eyes blind your heart. Release your anxiety and understand that the debate is not to offend or degrade but to explore the inner-most thoughts of humans, or whatever else is on this site. Many find others views to be "inferior" because they are the "ultimate" and want to assimilate other cultures. As long as people are different there will be conflict but everything would not be better with common ways because of the need within others to be different. Are you for the idea of difference and independence or for a common people everywhere (wars are started to make "common"people)?
  8. she_devil101

    she_devil101 Level IV

    Jun 18, 2007
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    I feel that it's important for cultures to have their traditions and beliefs. Otherwise, our world would be quite boring!

    BUT, I also believe you should pay respects to that country's beliefs. AKA, if you're American, don't go to another country and not make any attempts at their language or laugh or complain about their ways of doing things.

    AND VICE VERSA. Americans often get stereotyped as the assholes who go places and don't give a crap about the customs or their language, and yes there are a lot of people that will act like that but there are A LOT OF US that don't do stuff like that. If you move to America, try your best to speak English if you can-- At least make an attempt. I felt stupid when I attempted to speak French to Montreal-ians in Canada, but a few of them told me how they really appreciated my attempts.

  9. Fendi

    Fendi Level IV

    Apr 9, 2007
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    Amy Winehouse's Beehive
    She Devil I totally agree I think it is good to have your own culture but when you visit another country with a different culture you should try to embrace it.

    At the end of the day how do you define culture? The way people act or what they speak or eat or believe. I think it's all of these things and for that reason it would be impossible to get a universal culture. A universal language is much more likely to happen than a culture because language is included in culture and you know how passionate people are about their language. I live in Wales and people in the north are clinging to the welsh language so it's spoken by the younger generation.
  10. Zapno

    Zapno Level II

    Nov 16, 2006
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    Emotion? Everyone does things based on emotion. Your posts are based on your beliefs. You can type a long droned on heartfelt message if you want but that really doesn't matter does it? I've never been able to comprehend a reason as to why people deserve to live in the first place let alone a reason why they must live in a certain way. I don't believe in good or bad, I believe there simply is.

    Edit: In case you missed the point again, my opinion is that IT DOES NOT MATTER. Either one is fine with me.
  11. kittymeow

    kittymeow Level II

    Jul 17, 2007
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    Yah, I am the say way. There is no good or bad but the personal ideal thrusted on people to set a general societal standard. Don't take the emotion typing to serious yah. The best thing sometimes is to be devoid of the emotions, but its hard when you are a emotional person. I don't general find debates to have an indifferent side so, if it does not matter, then why even post or make a comment? Oh, and I did get your point but it is the way you type, that's all. Aussi, I'm am a poetic person and just try to type but not in a known imposing way, yah? Oh, and you should start on a debate of why people should live. I am indifferent on that subject and it would be a good laugh. More emotion will pour out and i will try to bestow some wisdom.
  12. stick808

    stick808 Level II

    Aug 15, 2007
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    cant we all just get along?

  13. Commy

    Commy Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    I think we should have separate cultural values. It's what makes the world an interesting place. I mean, if you go over seas, you'd expect a different experience. If there was a universal culture, I guess the only difference would be special land sites. And if there was only a universal culture, i guess the buildings wouldn't be that different either. That would leave only the natural land marks.
  14. natskaya

    natskaya Level III

    May 23, 2007
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    Separate! The world would be a much less rich, interesting place if everybody held the same values and beliefs. Although it does cause problems to have culture clash, losing things like unique, varied art and architecture would not be worth it.
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