has anyone tried score sending the daily dare scores? just got back from holiday and realised that i have all of the days to do so was just seeing if tnt are hot on these yet
Re: dailey dare ssing A friend has. Not frozen yet - so I guess it's worth a shot. EDIT: PM me if you want me to create a list for you.
Re: dailey dare ssing flare isnt working yet... but if you need info on game score review score and time just let me know and ill tell you if its over the review score and what time to use
Re: dailey dare ssing I can't get flare to work... I went through and made a complete list of all the scores and everything, signed up for AAA for every game, and now I can only beat like half of his challenges. lol.
Re: dailey dare ssing thanks guys yeah i know flare isn't working but i've been using mobs in the meantime
^ Agreed. Actually one of AAAs comes pretty close to top 100, but I beat that legit anyway so dm. Just use long times people! Not that hard