Will you try to play legitly? Or will you be using a score sender? XD Would TNT be on the look out for score sending type behaviour especially during the Daily Dare period?
Send scores with long wait times. Just be aware that the scores you send on Daily Dare will be available for everyone to see forever. Don't be stupid and send in ridiculous scores
I will be doing it legit(like all DD i've don), something easy like that and for a simply trophy. I don't think there is anything worth SSing for during the DD to put your account at risk. I can't wait for it to come, I always like to play games EDIT for Purple~ Spoiler What is Daily Dare? Daily Dare is a recurring Neopets site event that takes place in the Games Room. It was first introduced in March of 2007, when it ran for one month. Daily Dare returned in March 2008 and is now back in 2009! If you did not participate in previous years Daily Dare challenges, don't worry! This new round of Daily Dare is independent of the one that took place previously, and it is very fun and easy to participate in. In 2007 Daily Dare was mainly hosted by sponsoring companies, while in 2008 Daily Dare was themed off of a more intricate story (read the story or watch the video). The event is mock-hosted by Aristotle A. Avinroo, better known as AAA and his little sister Abigail. Daily Dare takes place in the form of a challenge from March 2 to March 31, 30 days. Starting on March 2nd, a Neopets flash game is chosen daily to be in the challenge. Much like in the game Better Than You, you must then play the game and send a specified score set by TNT. This event is unique though, as there are two different scores that you can choose to try and beat. The preferable score to beat is AAA's. He is better at games than his little sister, so his score will be set higher. Beating his score is a little difficult though, so you can also chose to beat Abigail's score, which is considerably easier. You get to decide each day if you want to challenge AAA or Abigail for the different games. You can only challenge one of them for each game, so chose wisely! If you want a prize, whichever opponent you challenge is the one you need to beat. However, unlike the 2007 Daily Dare, if you accidentally challenge AAA but are unable to beat his score, you can still get credited for beating Abigail! If you send a score that is higher than Abigail's while trying to beat AAA, it will automatically count as a win over Abigail unless you eventually are able to beat AAA's score for that game. You will not get a prize though if you challenge AAA but only beat Abigail. You have unlimited tries for the day, even if you already send your score three times that day, you can still complete a daily dare challenge, you will not rewarded any more neopoints though. ~parisdirt
If you check the news on Neopets, they have mentioned that Daily Dare will be coming early this year! Im excited XD
I don't plan on using a score sender, though if there are a couple games I have trouble with I might end up doing so. However for Daily Dare, even with long times, I don't think it is worth possible freeze.
...zzz Daily Dare again, then GMC, then Daily Dare again... TNT needs to be more creative; AAA isn't exactly very entertaining -.-
looking forward to this after reading about it and seeing peoples trophies in the past. I hope I'll be good enough to not need the score sender, but we'll see. that being said, I need to get me a score sender
At least they give us something to do. Considering the only fun i have now adays on neopets is the games(plus a few other things) so any challenge is welcome from TNT =P ~parisdirt
where is the download for the score sender? slaughter's has been removed, so I don't know what I'm supposed to use for that
I always do as much as I can legitly, and I suppose now that I actually have access to a ScoreSender... AAA, you're going down every day on the day each challenge is released. XD
now that I think about it, you get a pretty good trophy as long as you meet a challenge everyday The only way you don't get a nice trophy is if you miss a day so really using a SS might be too risky for such a small outcome.
Eh, that's only if you're...how shall I put this...unsmart with your SSing. I mean, how impatient are you that you won't try legitly playing the game a few times, to see what the possible scores are (e.g. is it only multiples of 5, only even numbers, etc.) and how long it takes, in the scenario you're risking a main? And, :O Daily Dare starts on my birthday.
Another thing to think about is that even after your 3 sends for the day, you can still beat AAA and get the prize! So there is no reason to SS off the bat, if you get all the time you need to beat AAA and Abigal*. Seems to fun and easy to not do legit =P Happy B-day in advance Anfan! ~parsidrt
oh I know how to SS thats why my account still exists but seriously even with smart SS you can get a random review and with that review a possible freezing .. so its hard to judge really but I think if you were frozen for that you'd probably regret it
I've been reviewed for Extreme Potato Counter and it was reviewed and accepted. If you are impatient with your score sending, you deserve to be frozen X3