Debate the legality of Abortion

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by southsidesoldier, Nov 9, 2007.


Should abortion remain legal?

  1. Yes

    6 vote(s)
  2. Yes, if both parents consent

    3 vote(s)
  3. No

    1 vote(s)
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  1. southsidesoldier

    Nov 6, 2007
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    I feel abortion should be outlawed completely, unless medically necessary for the survival of the mother or when the pregnancy results from a rape. I lost my first child because his mother decided to have an abortion, and I have never been as sad as I was then. If abortion must remain legal, I believe that it require consent of both parents.

    If you are responsible enough to have sex without birth control or other forms of protection than you ought be responsible enough to deal with the consequences. Making abortion readily available denounces moral values and responsibility in young people. What makes it anybody's right to decide if someone will be denies the right to live?
  2. Milanos

    Milanos Level IV

    Nov 2, 2006
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    In your nose
    I voted yes, if both parents want it.

    But even if not both parents want it, it should be allowed sometimes. If their health is in danger for instance.
  3. southsidesoldier

    Nov 6, 2007
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    And if there are no health complications, the decision is simply because neither of them wants to have a child, you believe that to be okay?
  4. Milanos

    Milanos Level IV

    Nov 2, 2006
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    In your nose
    Yes, exactly what I think.
  5. SoC

    SoC Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2007
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    There is at least another 2 topics on this subject on this page.
    and yes i know they're both dead but that doesnt mean that we can all say the same stuff for an extra point.
    If the topic becomes the same as the others ill lock it as no point having same discussion twice.

    and another notice
    VERY VERY VERY touchy subject as i know a few members have encounted this in the past and can be very harsh reading threads such as. So be careful and take ur time with words before you right here.
  6. kolby998

    kolby998 Level I

    Oct 23, 2007
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    yes it should because if it didnt the child could be left in the street or killed just. so it would be better if there were were they can get a new family. but it is wrong.
  7. derrick

    derrick Level III

    Oct 23, 2007
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    i strongly believe in abortion...because if a woman could not support a baby and has nothing to do with it/him/her/fetice/ then its better that she stop it.
  8. southsidesoldier

    Nov 6, 2007
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    If the family cannot support the child, then what makes adoption a viable means? The nine months pregnancy are the consequences for your own actions, and abortion is an easy way out. Here is an example, my parents twenty one years ago decided during my mothers pregnancy to put the child up for adoption. They picked a good family, and now, twenty-one years later I get a call from my long lost sister, and a parent now. I get to meet her tomorrow. At that in my parents life they were not financially ready to support a child, but they did not get an abortion. Now she works in the medical field and is on her way to becoming an r/n. She contributes to her community by volunteering her time for various organizations and has basically helped alot of people out in her life time. If my parents had opted for abortion, she wouldn't be there. They would have taken that life. I would never get to meet my sister because she'd be dead. Her community would have that many more homeless people because of the houses she didn't help build. Every single person has the ability to live out a happy and successful life, unless you take that life away from them. Abortion takes that life before they even receive a chance to taste fresh air!
  9. derrick

    derrick Level III

    Oct 23, 2007
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    but the point is that if she was aborted then she would not be missed and people wouldent know her and she wouldent exist...
  10. southsidesoldier

    Nov 6, 2007
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    Its isn't about whether she is missed or not. If that was the case, I should be able to step out of my house and shoot the homeless guy walking down my street and deny him any chance to further himself in life simply because I know no one would miss him? Who is anyone to deny anothers life? Or lets look at it this way. Lets say Ms Smith gives birth. A three or four months she decides she cant handle the responsibility of a child, and simply put, kill the child. Thats wrong, and Im sure no one will argue with that, so tell me this, what makes an unborn child any different from a newborn?
  11. klae17

    klae17 Level III

    Oct 28, 2007
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    Make it a choice.

    We cannot put a line on what circumstances should be considered and what doesn't.

    We are overpopulated and over our heads.
  12. ukrainianpwn1

    ukrainianpwn1 Level III

    Oct 26, 2007
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    its should become illegal but i guess if u want a home made abortion u can always punch the woman in the stomach:p
  13. micorazonesazul

    micorazonesazul Level III

    Jan 1, 2007
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    I'm not really understanding why there is a new topic to debate the legality of Abortion...when there is a general Abortion debate topic already up and going quite nicely.
  14. jvjanisse

    jvjanisse Level I

    Oct 28, 2007
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    I remember reading a book... "tipping point" i think it was. they had a whole chapter on the way crime had a dramatic decrease ~16 years after states legalized abortion (and states that legalized abortion early had the decrease in crime ahead of the other states). He went on to talk about how, instead of having children in the world who are unwanted and neglected by parents that had to turn to crime to survive, children were not growing up to be criminals because the unwanted children could be aborted. It's a very interesting book and an easy read, (it also talked about a lot of other topics, this was just a subtopic) so you can read it if you want and it might change your mind on abortions and what "happy lives" these children are not having.
  15. southsidesoldier

    Nov 6, 2007
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    I was not an unwanted child, but I would have never made it to the point I am at now if not for certain crimes in my past, that money turned into investments into new companies which created hundreds of jobs in our community, and has drastically reduce the unemployment rate. I stand atop a legitimate empire that was started by various illegal ways of gaining money. For my own security, Im not going to say what those ways were. The point I am trying to make with that litle story is even those that have to resort to crime to survive can lead a happy and successful life. Also, there is no way to directly correlate the number of abortions to the reduction in crime. Over the past sixteen years there have been many factors that could contribute to the reduction in crime. For example, many gangs have folded and disbanded under political pressure, or pressure from the gangs already on the scene. Harsher penalties for crimes have also deterred many would be criminals. Even some fictional media may have played a part in that movies that detail prison life show a harsh and un pleasant life in prison. Increased employment and education possibilities in some areas has also played a part in keeping people from resorting to crime. Another thing to take into concern that many criminals commit crimes, not out of necessity, but out of greed, or simply the fact that they wanted to do it. Many commit crimes because they are addicted to the rush. Even if legalizing abortion is directly responsible for the decrease in crime rate, using that as a reason to keep it legal would be saying that every common thief deserves the death penalty.

    *Edit* Also, it goes back to what I said before. Unwanted children can be put up for adoption and go to a family that would love and care for them, which is why adoption should be further encouraged.
  16. Virre

    Virre Level IV

    Nov 30, 2006
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    The government should not have control over your body.
    If you are sick, you should be able to deny care.
    If you wish to eat food full of calories, you should be able to do so.
    If you want to get rid of a parasite, do it.

    When you say that abortion should be illegal you're giving the government too much power.
    If you feel that you can't abort a baby due to religious belief, moral or ethics, then don't.
    But don't claim that your moral is superior and should therefore be forced upon others.
    It's not a political question, and it should never be. Because you should always have the choice.

    So you might claim that the stupid kids should have used protection in the first place.
    There are just too many factors here.
    What if the condom split? If she forgot to take one birth control pill?
    And where does it end? Should a morning-after pill be considered abortion?

    Trying to make abortion illegal is just another way to give governments control over our bodies and bring us closer to 1984.
    No one other than me, decides what my body will be used for.
  17. klae17

    klae17 Level III

    Oct 28, 2007
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    HECK YES. I totally agree and well put my friend. I think the parents have a lot more to worry about then other people forcing down their view of things on to others.
  18. mash

    mash Level II

    Dec 6, 2006
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    yep i have to agree, i do believe fully that abortion should remain legal, after all it doesnt stop all unwanted pregnancies.

    I have got the contraceptive implant and can safely say that with using all the preventative measures, if i were to become pregnant at this stage in my life i would get it aborted, what right do i have to bring up a child when i have no financial stability...or any at all for that matter other than staying with my parents?

    at this moment in my life i feel that it would be unfair to bring a child into this world and would not want to do so until i become much more stable.

    remember, with abortion there is ALWAYS a choice, no one is forced to do it, unless obv there is something going to go seriously wrong with the pregnancy.
  19. klae17

    klae17 Level III

    Oct 28, 2007
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    They are running free fertility seminars at my university. Its like we encourage people to get pregnant (the advertisements are placed around high schools and around urban neighborhoods)
  20. southsidesoldier

    Nov 6, 2007
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    Those fertility sermons are not encouraging people to get pregnant, but educating those who are trying to get pregnant. Im also interested if anyone has anything to say to my last post.
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