It seems that the Pinata craze is slowing down. From 120k, now all down to 110k or lower. The Meuka Pinata is now even buyable, in small amounts. Would it be a wise thing to try to put it back up into UB with the rest of the pinatas, or leave it alone?
10-30k deflation isent much. but if you where to buy 20 or more of them you could make a healthy profite. mabe inflate them as much as i hear those peanuts are.
The pinatas are all buyable: The reason they deflated is not becuz of any reason you are thinking. It is actually b/c pinatas are ETS items which are dealt very commonly. People do not want to have to deal with the hassle of putting an item worth 110k or 105k in the trades/auctions, so people just say mehh and put it in ther shop for 99999. These pinatas will probably never rise above 99999 unless something happens to disrupt the natural inflow of them thru the igloo/wherever else you can get them. Dont bother inflating, theyll just deflate almost immediately.
You're right about the people being lazy thing. I'm one of them... Haha. When I ABed a Vira Pinata and saw it selling for 105k on the post, I didn't think it was worth putting it up in my trades for 5k.